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Too Low resistance on r/r

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    Too Low resistance on r/r

    i tested my r/r and i get too low of a resistance for DC+ and DC-, is there any other way to test it? and what does this mean?

    Re: Too Low resistance on r/r

    Originally posted by ice109
    i tested my r/r and i get too low of a resistance for DC+ and DC-, is there any other way to test it? and what does this mean?
    1. What values do you get? each direction?

    2. Yes you can meassure the Voltage, if the r/r is connected and the bike is running.

    3. You can also look in too


      bike doesn't run, im getting 5 ohms negative on a and positive on e


        Originally posted by ice109
        bike doesn't run, im getting 5 ohms negative on a and positibe on e
        both ways?


          i didnt test it both ways and i can't right because i used my physics prof analog meter , my digital multimeter doesn't read jack *@%^$*@%^$*@%^$*@%^$


            Originally posted by ice109
            i didnt test it both ways and i can't right because i used my physics prof analog meter , my digital multimeter doesn't read jack ####
            OK, if you have only 5 Ohms BOTH ways, (don't know what you call it in English) meaning shifting the + and - multimeter connecters then testing.

            I am afraid that you have to change the r/r.........

            Look at the circuit how the sex-diods are wired and how the thyristors are connected, and you call follow what happends if you have a short in either one of the diods or the thyristors.


              where can i find a diagram of the r/r?


                Originally posted by ice109
                where can i find a diagram of the r/r?
                I only have one (not fully complete) for GS 1150.

                Ask here if the GS 1150 is the same as the GS550 or if somebody else has a diagram.


                  the resistance one way, negative on negative and positive on positive is 4.5 ohms and the other way i get no reading.


                    You should only get that reading one way. That's why Suzuki is specific about which way the probes are to be connected. I suppose it's because diodes only allow current to flow in one direction.


                      ok so what about the too low resistance?


                        I am not real certain, I'm not a electrical engineer. But, it would probably lead to too great of a charging rate to the battery and maybe put an excessive drain on the stator.


                          Originally posted by Billy Ricks
                          I am not real certain, I'm not a electrical engineer. But, it would probably lead to to great of a charging rate to the battery and maybe put an excessive drain on the stator.


                            Originally posted by ice109
                            ok so what about the too low resistance?
                            One way should be low resistance, the other way very high resistance (endless), if not,

                            you probably have a short, meaning the diode leads current both ways=useless as diode, in one or more diodes, mounted inside the r/r.

                            I used too drive rally car in former days and on a car r/r it was possible too both measure and change the diodes one by one, but I don't think that is possible on the GS r/r.

                            If you have a short in the bikes DC circuit, diodes can be overloaded and get shorted, age can also destroy them sometimes, but that is rare.


                              Originally posted by slopoke
                              A GUESS WOULD BE THAT WINDINGS HAVE SHORTED
                              If you have a short in a diode, you should also check your stator and if the bikes DC circuit has a short.

