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Air Forks????

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    Air Forks????

    The fellow I bought my GS750E from just informed me that it has air forks. He explained the basics of them to me, then had to run off to a meeting. Is anyone here familiar with such a thing on an '82? What am I dealing with?

    - Tim

    Most, if not all GS's came originally with 'Air' forks. They have a valve hidden under what looks like a hex nut, on either 1, or both fork legs. The forks have a normal metal spring in them, but it is undersprung by design, the air is then added, up to 20psi I believe, stock was more like 2psi. This would stiffen up the fork however much you wanted. However, if you pump it up much, the seals will start leaking, and the ramping nature of air can lead to a harsh ride. The better solution, is to buy some progressive springs that are properly sprung to begin with, and skip the air altogether.


      I also have air forks. to hex type screws on both forks..on the left side of my bike it stills has the sticker about the forks, mine says 41 psi max


        Before I changed to Progressive I never put in more that about 15psi. Use a hand pump, not an air hose, or you risk blowing them out.


          I know the previous owner put progressive springs into the forks already, so I intend to leave well enough alone with regards to the airforks and just enjoy the ride!


          Now if only I hadn't been so rash with that wiring under the seat...... (see separate post)


            This is cool information. I don't have an owner's manual for my bike, so didn't know this.

