I have done everything I can think of to solve this problem but I still cannot figure it out.
I have:
Changed petcock to a pingel with new fuel line (5/16).
Rebuilt/cleaned the carbs.
Reset the floats to SUZUKI factory settings (measuring to the top of the round part of the float instead of the flat part).
Put a dynojet stage 3 kit in the carbs.
Changed jets numerous times since then trying to solve it.
Put different coils on it.
Changed plugs.
Vacuum syncroed the carbs.
Taken the fuel tank vent apart and cleaned it.
The only thing that made any difference was syncing the carbs. Since I synced the carbs it will actually pull past 7000 but it is struggling severely (bucking and surging). Whereas before I synced the carbs it would hit a brick wall at 7000 RPM and refused to go any higher.
Before I rebuilt the topend it would pull to redline all day long. When I rebuilt the topend I put everything back together exactly the way it came off. Ever since then it has had this problem. I compression checked the engine the other day and everyone of them was perfect. When installing the cam chain/ cams, I followed my Clymers manual to the letter and double checked everything. So I honestly do not believe I have a problem there.
It is driving me crazy. Other than that problem it runs absolutly perfect. It runs a tiny bit on the rich side but it is not severe at all. It starts right up, after about a minute I can turn the choke completely off and it will idle perfectly at 1100 RPM and runs like a champ.......except for 7000+.
Anyway, if anyone can help me solve this I will owe them my sanity.
Thanks very much.