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Please help, need info and help w/ carbs

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    Please help, need info and help w/ carbs

    I recently purchased a GS 1100 and the bike after it warms up dies out. The bike is burning really rich. I was told it is because the origianl 4 to 2 exhaust is now a high performance 4 to 1 exhaust. Does this mean i have to get new jets and stuff for the carb or is it a different problem. My friend gunned it on the way home and it smoked like crazy. You can smell the fuel when it is running. If i need new jets can someone give me the specs and where i can purchase the new jets or what ever special materials i need for the carbs. Thank you .

    If it runs OK idoling & midrange, then gets too rich at wide open throttle. Someone may have put too large of jets in, when rejetting after the pipe was installed. If the carbs still have the stock jets in them, a good 4 in to 1 pipe should make it run too lean, not too rich. Be sure that the air filter is clean


      Check the carb float levels that could also make it run rich also check and make sure the carbs are not flooding


        More detailed help for my question please

        Thanks for the help. I pulled the carbs and opened them up. The bowls and jets had a tiny bit of rust powder in them. Now i just bought the bike so i havent had a chance to run it but my friend drove it home while i followed him. When he gunned it , the bike started smoking out the exhaust. Now the bike does have a 4to1 vince and hines (i think thats the name of it) on it. The jets look like the original jets on it. I was planning on rebuilding the carbs anyways and dipping them. I was wondering what all i need to do when i get the rebuild kit (or if i should even get one due to the fact that i might need different jets for the exhaust) is there a tool i can purchase for measuring the float level if that is causeing the bike to run rich. Everyone tells me that the exhaust wont cause a rich running bike and i am sure that is the case but the bike is running rich cause i could smell the gas, and when it warms up it dies but will start again just dieing every so often. I seems like the bike is getting too much fuel. Also does anyone know if these bikes have a fuel filter attached to them or do i need to install one. Thanks for you help


          The "80" GS 1100 E came with 107.5 main jets, & 45 pilots. The #'s are stamped on each individual jet. Vance & Hines, back in 1981, recommended when you install their 4 in to 1 pipe, go to 112.5 or 115 mains, 47.5 on the pilots, and take the lid off the airbox. Sorry, will leave the explaining of float height measuring to someone else.


            There is generally a filter attached to the petcock inside the tank if someone hasn't removed it. It will let some debris like rust particles through though. An inline filter is a good idea. I use one of the clear type with replaceable filter elements. Just be sure to strap it to something so it doesn't get broken if you choose that type. The nice thing about them is you can see if you are getting fuel flow.

            The exhaust shouldn't cause it to run rich, just the opposite. Float level is critical with CV carbs. Just use a decent ruler of some type marked in millimeters. The type of protractor used in geometry with a rotating ruler works well. If the bike sat for any length of time it could have clogged jets and/or passages causing it to run the way it does. Check the jetting. The values rphillips gave sound about right. Also check to see if you have adjustable needles. If you do then someone most likely installed a jet kit at some point. If not check to see if the needles have been shimmed. If so they may be raised too much.


              Thanks for all that information. I am sure to find all the information i need to get the bike running again. I really appreciate all this knowlege. I will keep you posted if the bike gets up and runs after this and i will check the jets to see what kind they are. I am sure i will be posting more questions on this site when i come across more problems in the future. Thanks again guys for you help.

