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    hey all, i havent been here in a while, too much fun on my bike. i have run into a problem. this may be kinda long, please bear with me. about a week and 1/2 ago, my girlfriend and i were puttin around the parking lot at about 10 mph. we drove to the back of the parking lot and discovered the gate was locked so we turned around to go out the front. well right as we were going to turn into the street the bike died. i went start her back up, but nothing, just a click sound like a dead battery makes. i pulled off the cover, just to make sure nothing weird had just come lose or something, put the cover back on and she started right up. we rode off to work. later that night when i tried to start her up, same click. i pulled off the cover did the same as before, but this time nothing. i had the battery checked and they told me it was dead. so i charged it up. it took the charge no problem. plugged it back in, and she started right up, no problem. next day ran some errands. again no problems, until i was sitting at a light waiting to turn left. the bike died. went to restart, click again. damn!!!! i waited for traffic to clear and ran across the road to a parking lot. same as before, pulled off the cover to just double check the connections put the battery back in and of course she started right on up and got me home. rode her again later that day, and no problems. i went out of town wednesday. so i havent rode the bike since then. first thing i did when i got home was try to start the bike. she started up, but only briefly, i figured she was just cold. went to start again and just a click. ok, without getting into any more detail, if it sits for a while, itll start up, but you got to keep her running, because if she dies, she may or may not start again. if she doesnt, just wait 30mins-1hr and no problem. now i havent actually got out on any rides since i have been home. could it be the battery just needs to be charged back up, or do yall think there is something else wrong? thanks for the help.
    1980 gs 450l

    How many fuses does your 450 have? sounds like a bad fuse conection.
    Suzuki used/uses brass/brass plated fuse holders, and the tarnish that forms on the brass does not conduct electricity very well.
    My 1000g had developed a habit of going dead at random intervals, most often when trying to restart after a short interval, like going in a conveniance store and coming back out.
    It nearly drove me crazy, till one day while it was refusing to start , I was pushing the starter button with the side cover off and pushed on the fuses and it fired up.
    I rode home and tested the system with a multimeter and had a huge voltage drop off at the fuses, I removed the fuses and polished the contacts with emory cloth and cured the problem.
    dirty fuse/ system conections will prevent the battery from charging corectly.


      Check the ground to the motor while you're at it.


        It sounds like you have a loose connection somewhere. Try hooking up a voltmeter to the terminals a check if the bike is charging properly(be sure the connection is solid), wiggle the main wires around and check if the voltmeter bounces or not. If it bounces, it probably means you have a lousy connection somewhere. See stator paper for proper testing procedure.

        Be sure to check the wiring that leads from the stator to the regulator/rectifier to the battery. Be sure to check the ground connections.

        Let us know what happens.



          always start with ground, ground, ground. 99% of electrical problems (okay maybe not that much) are bad grounds. Then check the things the others have suggested.


            I had the same problem. It was the starter solenoid sticking. The next time it happens, take something like a screwdriver and tap on the solenoid while pushing the starter button. If it starts, then this is the problem. I took mine apart and cleaned it and have had no more problems. Good luck.


