Now that those problems were addressed I went for a nice ride yesterday (97 miles) and half way through electrical components started failing. First to go were turn signals then my tach stopped functioning (was still illuminated but no readings) and my headlight, both high and low beam stopped working.
Got the bike home to find my battery boiled over.
I have poured over many posts here on the site to learn about Stators, RRs and general charging system woes.
Electrical issues were never my strong points. I am sure I can change out the stator and the RR but to go through and check out all the electrical connections has me pretty down.
My question is will this seemingly daunting task be approachable for me? I have a garage and lots of tools but am wondering how long this will keep me from riding my beloved GS1100GK.
History of the bike is I am third owner. Previous owner gave me reciepts of repair work for fork seals, engine gaskets (top end), cam ends, tach drive seal, fuel sender, breather gasket, set valves and the infamous RR.
Bike road terrific and seemed fine mechanically until the charging sytem reared its ugly head.
Oh, and my main question, did I loose my headlights, signals, and tach completely or will they mysteriously raise from the dead when a new stator, battery and RR get replaced?
Thanks in advance for any help.