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How to buld,unbuild,fix a petcock on a gs bike

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    How to buld,unbuild,fix a petcock on a gs bike

    I just had had it with my gs 1000L 1980 model.I ordered a new petcock,they of ocurse ordered the wrong one, so now it is ordered again.For 2 weeks my bike had just sat there.I saw the post by John w here in this section and it is a troke of genius.If you have a vaccum operated petcock like i did until now here is what you do:
    1.take the old petcock off.Take the diaphragm and spring out and throw them as far as the east is from the west. some card stock gasket material like a carburetor base gasket type material.trace the square shape of the petcock bowl onto the card stock, then cut it out wioth a pair of scissors.Tahe a drill bit the same size as the screws (4 phillips)that was holding the cover on and make the same size holes in all four corners of the new gasket/hole plug.I used 2 layers,there is also some thicker rubber type gasket material i used also to see how it worked and they both work.
    3.put the new card stock cover/spacer over the square hole,put the 2 halces back together with the 4 screws.they have to be pretty tight or gas will leak.
    The former vacuum line outlet,looks like about 1/4 inch ID brass tube about 3/4 inch long now can be plugged.No need to fill the vacuum chamber with JB weld or anything like that.I used aquarium pump tubing my wife had and plugged it with a screw.I tried a rubber vacuum line plug from the auto parts store and it split down the side.Plug the numer 2 carb vacuum outlet the same way.Put the tank back on, connect the fuel line, and fire it up.
    If your tank wasnt empty, it will be soon because lots of gas leaks out on a now gravity fed system like you just created,so watch out and hurriedly connect the gas line.Dry and even allow for evaporation time if you got gas everywhere.
    4.Now you can rule out forever if your problem is a petcock related issue,cause it aint no more.
    future owner of some year and displacement GS bike,as yet unclaimed and unowned.

    You will just have a crankcase full of gas !!!! Never tried it but supposedly If you file off the tab & shorten the lever so that it clears the tank. It will turn off with the lever pointed up


      Seems like a good idea

      I was thinking of removing the vacum diaphragm myself as I am redoing my tank.

      As far as filling up the crank case, wouldnt the floats prevent the gas from over filling the float chambers? thus killing the gravity fed gas flow?


        When The Petcock Has Been Acting Up Like Mine Was, The Removal Of The Diaphragm And Spring And Plugging Off The Vacuum Port Is The Best Modification I Have Found.the Rankcase Will Get Some Gas In It As Your Petcock Is Failing, But Should Not After You Complete The Modification.i Read Here Where One Guy Did His This Way On His 1100 4 Years Ago And Has Had No Problems Since.once You Change The Original Gassed Up Oil, There Should Not Be Any Problem.many Petcocks Are Not Vaccum Operated.
        future owner of some year and displacement GS bike,as yet unclaimed and unowned.


          I had a problem with my petcock and all I did was cut the diaphram and took out the plunger and got a inline shut off valve.


            When mine was flowing when it shouldn't have, I ordered a rebuild kit and it worked out all right. I also ordered a spare kit, so I'm prepared for next time the diaphragm goes.

