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GS1100GL Electrical Meltdown - Help?!

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    GS1100GL Electrical Meltdown - Help?!

    First, as others have already said, I know I can dig through all the "Electrical" postings here and find some help. I've actually been doing that for the past few days, but I'd like some situation-specific advice.

    The Bike is a 1983 GS1100GL. I got her about eight months ago when she had only 3,000 miles on the odo. (Previous owner had laid her down hard, cracked the stator cover, then parked her.) I replaced the cover, did the usual maintenance, and put 6,000 more miles on her with absolutely no problems.

    Then recently, I had ridden about five miles from home, and the engine suddenly died. I immediately noticed a strong acrid odor, pulled off the side covers, and saw that the regulator/rectifier underneath the battery box was smoking and sizzling. The battery was boiling over, and I shortly discovered the main circuit fuse was also blown. After letting everything cool down and refilling the battery, I replaced the main fuse with the spare, and it also blew as soon as the ignition switch was turned on and I tried the starter.

    (I should state at this point that I live in a rural area, and am accustomed to "improvising" roadside repairs, the old "whatever-gets-you-home" school of engineering.) So, with no more spare fuses, I scrounged the roadside for a discarded soft drink can, broke off the U-shaped end of the pop-top, and used it as a makeshift fuse. The bike started up and got me home (amen!), but by the time I made it into the garage, the battery was almost completely discharged -- no lights, and nothing but "click-click" when I tried the starter.

    Now, even though I have replaced the regulator and fuses, recharged the battery, and re-seated and tested the battery's ground connection, I STILL have NO power to any of the electrical circuits. Testing directly across the battery terminals, output is 12.7 volts. The fusebox output terminals also show 12.7 volts. When I remove the main fuse and connect the meter to its slots, the reading is also 12.7 volts with the ignition switch on. However, when I turn the switch off, the main circuit reading goes to minus 2.54 volts.

    So, where do I go from here (other than the Suzuki dealer)? Is it likely the igniter or some other component(s) got fried? Would a dead igniter kill power to ALL the lights, starter, everything? Any tips on what to troubleshoot would be gratefully appreciated.

    (no fancy signature... yet)

    Sounds to me you got a short,Check your wiring harness and see if you got a wire that has power stuck to the frame or fender or wear ever


      If it goes to a neg voltage you have a bad ground wire somewhere, look for melted wires


        Sounds like a meltdown of the harness and thus a short or partial short therein. A pinched wire may be one cause. That acrid smell is the infamous smell of melting insulation, not good! Go through the harness and find the shorts, cut and splice where the wires are burned, with new wire of similar guage.

