The Bike is a 1983 GS1100GL. I got her about eight months ago when she had only 3,000 miles on the odo. (Previous owner had laid her down hard, cracked the stator cover, then parked her.) I replaced the cover, did the usual maintenance, and put 6,000 more miles on her with absolutely no problems.
Then recently, I had ridden about five miles from home, and the engine suddenly died. I immediately noticed a strong acrid odor, pulled off the side covers, and saw that the regulator/rectifier underneath the battery box was smoking and sizzling. The battery was boiling over, and I shortly discovered the main circuit fuse was also blown. After letting everything cool down and refilling the battery, I replaced the main fuse with the spare, and it also blew as soon as the ignition switch was turned on and I tried the starter.
(I should state at this point that I live in a rural area, and am accustomed to "improvising" roadside repairs, the old "whatever-gets-you-home" school of engineering.) So, with no more spare fuses, I scrounged the roadside for a discarded soft drink can, broke off the U-shaped end of the pop-top, and used it as a makeshift fuse. The bike started up and got me home (amen!), but by the time I made it into the garage, the battery was almost completely discharged -- no lights, and nothing but "click-click" when I tried the starter.
Now, even though I have replaced the regulator and fuses, recharged the battery, and re-seated and tested the battery's ground connection, I STILL have NO power to any of the electrical circuits. Testing directly across the battery terminals, output is 12.7 volts. The fusebox output terminals also show 12.7 volts. When I remove the main fuse and connect the meter to its slots, the reading is also 12.7 volts with the ignition switch on. However, when I turn the switch off, the main circuit reading goes to minus 2.54 volts.
So, where do I go from here (other than the Suzuki dealer)? Is it likely the igniter or some other component(s) got fried? Would a dead igniter kill power to ALL the lights, starter, everything? Any tips on what to troubleshoot would be gratefully appreciated.
(no fancy signature... yet)