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I give up!

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    I give up!

    I give up for 2002, folks! Weather is terrible, all that snow, cold temps, black ice, salt all over the roads, no prospect of improvement for the next couple of weeks, perhaps longer.

    So I went in the garage, started the Hybrid GK, topped off the gas tank, added some Stabil in the correct proportion, let it run through the carbs; changed the oil and filter, and kept the Battery Tender hooked up. Gave it a loving, thorough cleaning; checked the air in the tires, forks, and shocks, patted it gently more than once, spoke softly and tenderly, and expressed my loyalty and appreciation to him (the Hybrid GK is definitely a he) for all the good times over the last three riding seasons we've been together...

    2002 is a goner, at least around here. Great year for riding, though, and wonderful memories.

    My screen saver on both home computers is a slide show of different rides this year. Great to look at. My wife doesn't think so, but I told her she has to learn how to set up her own screen saver.


    It’s kind of hard to give in to winter. Isn’t it? I have the same problem every year. I keep on saying to myself, just one more ride. You know what, that one more ride rarely comes. Especially with Christmas fast approaching.



      It's especially hard this year, Roman, because it's so early. Last winter, for example, few if any riders around here surrendered to winter. I had to because of my Bambicide injuries, but this accident occurred on December 29th.

      What makes this winter frustrating is that it's much colder, much earlier than any other winter. I know, I know, you Canadians won't feel too sorry for us spoiled brats here in the midAtlantic States; you have it a lot rougher every year.

      So, the GK rests while I continue to look at motorcycle pictures on my computer screen....


        Hi Nick,

        Last year winter was exceptionally warm. I know that we here in Toronto had the mildest winter that I remember in my 43 years of living here. The temperature rarely hit below the freezing point during daylight hours. Truthfully, I would have preferred a much colder winter. When the temperature is hovering around 32 deg. F the humidity is so flipping hi that you feel much colder than you would expect. The dampness is awful. Is it the same in Middletown? Plus I don’t really enjoy riding in temperatures below 50 deg F. Yes it’s true I’m coming out, I’m a fair weather rider.



          visit louisiana in july, thats humidity!


            This just adds fuel to the fire. Hot is better than cold anyday. I don't ever remember hearing anyone say they were going to put their bike up for the summer because it is too hot to ride.



              Actually, this summer of 2002 was soooo... hot here in the midAtlantic States that many of us chose to stay in air conditioned comfort rather than ride, many times. It was miserable.

              Yet you're right, Nariz, I'd rather have 95 degrees than 15 anytime!



                shuttin down for the winter

                I can"t , I won't , you can't make me put away my motorsickle for the the winter at least not until after my Christmas ride to the beach for some one to one...


                  I right there with you Nick, I hated to put the GS1100G away about 2 weeks ago. But at least I am lucky enough to have an enclosed workshop to store the bikes. it's not heated but the bikes are readily available for any winter time work I might want to do to them.
                  Can't wait for March / April!


                    As one who lives in the snow belt, I gave up a while ago. We have been getting snow here since pretty much the begining of November. My bike has been apart for at least a month and a half.
                    I cant wait for april. : 8)


                      It continues to be relatively warm on the West Coast. I rode for a few hours both Saturday and Sunday, sunny and about 10C/50F. It's warmer when it rains, but they kinda' cancel out comfort-wise. We have warmish, dry, rideable days regularly all winter, but I can't afford to insure the bike here for those several nice days I'm free of work.


                        Snow? What's snow? Hey, it's a Technical question! Merry Christmas everyone!


                          I have given up on the riding season,
                          But we are going to be out for at least a short one on New Year's Day.
                          Planning on a 20 mile round trip. 8O

                          If it is really really cold we may not get that far but it will be fun anyway.
                          (Where is the Shiver Emoticon?)

                          I'm hoping for a warm front and a couple of nice showers to clear off the salt.


                            I agree It's getting to cold it was 59 deg. this morning I was shivering as for the humidity We can get 100% humidity and not be raining in Florida here thats thick air almost gets hard to breath


                              I gave up last week too Took the GS out for a trip to the hardware store and blew out one of the fork seals. It had been seeping just a little but the colder weather must have beeen too much for it . Oh well, time for a valve adjustment and new front tire anyhow.

