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Throttle grip heavy to twist...

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    Throttle grip heavy to twist...

    I wonder if it is normal that stock '79 GS 850G needs a quite power to turn throttle grip open? Cable seems to slide freely and resistance is just coming from returning springs of carburetors. Should I just go to gym before I start to ride men's motorcycle?

    I noticed another throttle cable (which returns throttle) is broken. Is that cable anything else for than ensuring to close throttle while releasing gas?

    Suzuki seems to have put a pretty stiff spring on the VM carbs. You might try getting a lighter spring. My 1000 takes a bit of effort to turn the throttle, much more than my 1150. And since one of your cables is broken, go buy a new set. That might help as well.
    85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
    79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


      When I first purchased my '79 850, I had the same problem. I replaced the cables and spring and it was still hard to turn, so I sprayed some liquid grease into the throttle body on the handlebar. It worked much, much better and took a lot less force to turn the throttle.


        If lubing doesn't help you can get a Throttle Rocker which utilizes the heel of you palm for extra torque. I'm not sure how the VM rack is set up but my RS rack uses a spring setupthat allows you to position the hook on the spring on one of several pins to change the amount of pressure on the spring.


          Originally posted by nuts930
          When I first purchased my '79 850, I had the same problem. I replaced the cables and spring and it was still hard to turn, so I sprayed some liquid grease into the throttle body on the handlebar. It worked much, much better and took a lot less force to turn the throttle.
          Same here, except I used silicone spray.


            Ok. Thanks for your advice. I should start with both new cables and lubricate all moving parts. That Throttle Rocker would be good idea in any case if riding longer journeys.

            I'm glad that there is so much knowledge in this forum.
            Actually in March when I was searching old timer bike beside my GSXR I had choices between Honda CB's and Suzuki GS's. When I found out this forum by googling around I realized that with GS I wouldn't be alone!

