The bike has been stored properly for about 2 years. We've changed the oil and replaced the battery and fuel petcock. The gas tank and carbs were drained before storage.
The bike required starting fluid for the first post-storage start-up, but it did start. With a little coaxing it warmed up and maintained idle. After a 10 mile test ride, that included a shut down/restart to fill up at the gas station, there were no issues related to stalling, idle, starting, etc. Then, after the test ride, the bike sat for 5 or 10 minutes. Once again, starter fluid was required to get it going again. Once started, not signs of any problem.
Things that we haven't done, but plan to: Replace the air filter, oil filter and spark plugs. Check the charging system and starting system (coils in particular).
I understand that these bikes have a somewhat poor design in the electrical systems that may cause starting issues.
So, my question to all of you out there is this: "Are there any known issues regarding hard starting in general and/or after warm-up?"
Also, if you have any other general thoughts/ideas/tips/advice with regard to systems/components that my be involved in starting issues, please feel free to put 'em into the mix here.