I bought a Motionpro economy carb sync tool, rebuilt the carbs and put them back on the bike. I attempted to sync the carbs following procedures on this site but it is like I take one step forward and three steps.
The Motionpro has four columns with markings from 2 to 54 in increments of two. When trying to sync, I can get three carbs in the same sector marking but I go for the fourth carb, it knocks out the other three. Then it is back to square one.
Also, the idle gets insanely high. Tried turning the air screws and adjusting throttle valves but I just keep getting deeper in screwing this up. I have pulled the carbs of the bike, did a bench sync and will reinstall them tomorrow and try again.
Is there a particular sector on the Motionpro tool that the carbs should be sync'd at. At what RPM should the sync be performed at? Last question, and probably a dumb one, what is considered a "turn" on the air screw? If the slot is sitting at 9 to 3 o'clock, left to right is full turn moving the end of the slot that is at 9 to 3 o'clock or is a full turn moving that end one full revolution back to 9 o'clock?
Thanks in advance for your help.