Main Jets: 130
Needle position: Factory needle @ 5th notch, Richest position
Fuel Screw: 2 turns out
Air Screw: 1.25 turns out
Pilot Jet - #15
Idles @ 1100
Vent tubes removed
Float Height: 24 mm measured without gasket
Bench sync'd
Sync'd on bike with Morgan Carbtune ..pulls 22cmhg @1200 ..Above that all stable and even.
This bikes starts ok with a little throttle and choke and returns to idle perfectly when warmed up. I have no backfiring on deceleration. The bike pulls like crazy all the way to redline without hesitation. No dead spots to really speak of.
Chop test results:
Idle: Plugs 1(more than any) and 2 are rich; while 3 and 4 are half tan/black
1/3 -1/2 throttle: Plugs 1 and 2 are fairly rich , but white insulator can be seen with some black still on them. Plugs 3 and 4 insulators are white
Full throttle: All plugs have white insulators with a the steel rim of the plug black.
All cylinders are hot and the bike seems to run A+. I am still curious to why its running so lean at WOT with a 130 main jet. I can't see needing to go bigger. ????? I tryed 125 with the same results previously. It does not seem to be getting better with the larger main jet. It previously has 105's with this exhaust and the stock air box and filter, but always ran rich. I took a lot of advice from this board on jet sizes and settings, tips, and hints.
Will playing with the fuel screws ADD to the mixture up at the top end since the circuits overlap? If so it will only make my idle area richer then it already is no? I could leave it as it is , but am a little concerned on the lean condition causing damage ??? HELP ........Heading to Bike Week this weekend in New Hampshire
Any and all help into getting this lean problem resolved and a full tanning of the plugs all around would be greatly appreciated. Keith and Earlfor are especially welcome. I have read MANY threads on this subject here , but have not pinpointed my bike problem. I can't resolve it. TIA