Mukuni BS34SS carburators with K&N pods, Dynojet stage 3 jet kit, replaced fuel air mixture screws, aftermarket performance header (not sure what it is previous owner put it on), and Yoshimura R3 race pipe.
What I did -
When I installed the jets I screwed them all in until they were snug not torqued in hard. Used a digital caliper to set the floats at the proper height of 24.6 I think (I set it according to the suzuki shop manual). Checked for vaccum leaks by misting starter fluid around the boots to see if idle increased and I found none. Set the air screws by screwing them in till they were snug marked their position then set them at 2.5 turns (1 turn = screw turning 360°

Problem -
From what I understand for the suzuki manual is that the air screw is used only for the slow system (with throttle closed or engine at idle).
The bike will start up only with the choke on and after it is running I can push in the choke only partially and still keep the engine running. And when I twist the throttle when the bike is idling with the choke on it will bog down and die if I keep the throttle open. But if I keep twisting the throttle and let off the rpms will increase then once the engine's rpms are over 6000 the engine responds right away to throttle without any hesitation. I assume that this is because at that point the engine is not using the "slow system" therefore not using the air screw.
Question -
How can I solve this problem? Did I properly install all the jets by just setting them snug? Also when I read the settings for the carbs, it said 1.2 for the air jet, does the mean the size or how many turns I should set it at? And finally what is the bypass and pilot outlet and what do their settings of 0.8 and 0.9 respectively mean?
Thanks for all your help