The link to the small vreg.PDF file that describes the homebuilt R/R is at Small Engine Voltage Regulator. Anyone using this forum could have used this circuit, copied it, modified or upgraded components, customized it, etc. if they had the interest and ability to follow a simple circuit schematic. This is a shunt type regulator for permanent magnet alternators, and was tested and worked satisfactorily on a Suzuki GS400E.
There are interesting similarities with R/R plans being sold on this site. They both use two bridge rectifiers for full wave AC to DC conversion. All three phases are regulated, and are shunted to ground by SCR's. It uses a zener diode in a voltage reference circuit (vref). A voltage divider is used to monitor battery voltage and when compared to vref, the shunt SCR's turn on and off. I haven't seen the plan for sale, but I suspect that it uses a differential pair of transistors in the low current control circuit as does the free design. The free design also has user adjustable regulated voltage controlled by a potentiometer that adjusts the voltage required to start firing the gate of the SCR's.
Very simple - 9 resistors, one pair differential transistors, one zener diode, 3 SCR's,and 2 full wave bridge rectifiers. All in all, pretty much the same design without additonal bells and whistles. Free.
Anyone that would care to experiment with this free version could adjust the rating of components such as SCR's if desired.
