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Stator Experts:Help! Need Advice ASAP Before Installing!

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    Stator Experts:Help! Need Advice ASAP Before Installing!

    It took a month, but I finally received my regulator/rectifier and stator from Electrex. When I removed the stator from it's sealed package upon delivery, the grey insulation on some of the windings has been abraided off. In fact, in one place, there are 2 different source wires with the grey insulation worn off with only a hair's breadth distance between exposed wire. Am I worrying unnecessarily, or have I received a defective part that should not be installed on my bike?
    Naturally, after waiting weeks for the part, and finally getting a day off to make the repair (despite the holidays!), I'm aggravated at the idea of having to send this part back....especially after spending the big bucks on this thing.
    What do the experts say? Install this thing, or send it back?
    I'm hoping for some responses, as I literally have only a few hours to get my ride back on the road........
    Thanks in advance!

    Depends on how bad you want the bike rolling.......if it was delivered to you, and the package was OK, but the product was as you have described, i would send it back. if however, you don't want to mess with that, get some heat shrink or other type of insulation and hope the thing works right. it is your choice.


      If you are going to fix it your self they make a paint on electrical tape.If winter has you socked in I would check into sending it back. Safe Riding, Bill


        I would go to the Electrex site and email Ritzo explaining the situation, and ask if he would recommend saturating/coating the exposed wires with liquid electrical tape as a solution.
        You could also phone him if you want a quicker answer. The last time I emailed them, it took a few days to get an answer.

        Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

        I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


          Thanks one and all. Seems to be a consensus building that the part I have might work, but that it's condition is questionable enough that the best solution would be to try to get a replacement, or at the least, some advice from Electrex before proceding :?
          If I've waited a month, I suppose I can wait another (trying hard to be mature, here).
          If any others care to give their 2 cents worth, I'd appreciate it, tho. It just wasn't clear to me if this device can internally short (the 2 wires in close proximity, insulation abraided off, from 2 different "posts" of the stator).
          Guess I'll work on the bike another day (its sunny, 62 degrees & drop dead gorgeous here in Chapel Hill today...........perfect riding weather....)


            generous application of liquid tape!!!!!


              Originally posted by SqDancerLynn1
              generous application of liquid tape!!!!!
              Be careful using the liquid tape. The stator is bathed in engine oil that can get pretty hot. If the liquid tape is not up to the heat, it could come off and wreck havoc on the oil system.

              I would contact Electrex and let them know. The bare wires you see are really insulated with a varnish but I would still want the over coating in good shape. If you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to ride, take it to a local electrical motor repair shop and explain to the shop foreman what you want and the application (tell him/her about the temperatures and running in oil) and they can find an insulation system that will work.



                Thanks, Hap. I was wondering about the liquid tape's ability to withstand an environment that only a french fry would appreciate.
                Seems for $150, the thing should arrive in new condition, ready to be installed.


                  I talked to Ritzo at Electrex Monday, and he said to install the stator, as the wire has a clear coat insulation on it already (I asked him if he would install this part on *his* bike, and without hesitation he said yes). I must admit that where I *can* see the "exposed" wire, it looks shiny & unmolested--its just that its grey powder coating has been chipped off. Another GSResource user has contacted me and related he's had the same experience with a stator shipment from Electrex.
                  Now, when I can get the time, I'll install the reg/rectifier & the stator and report back on the results.
                  Happy Holidays to All.


                    Ok, most of the rest of the story. I installed the stator and regulator/rectifier without major incident. Glad someone mentioned the old rubber mallet.....took about 10 whacks and the stator cover started to come off.
                    Now to ride the bike and see if the battery boiling tendencies have disappeared!

