Sometimes when I am sitting at a stoplight the engine wants to die, but I think this is from flooding the carbs. If it does choke off, letting it sit for a minute and it will fire right up which is why I assume it is flooding. I also wonder if the single fuel line in that splits between the 1 and 2 and the 3 and 4 cards is causing too much fuel to flow (this was another thing I thought was wrong) as all other bikes like this I have seen with only 1 fuel line providing fuel in between the 2 and 3 carbs. I currently have to run on the prime setting all the time. This is because I am lacking that 3rd port for vaccuum on the #3 carb.
I have a used set of carbs coming that have all of the correct parts and are in better condition. I have a stock airbox with a UNI airfilter and the bike has Vance and Hines 4 into 1 pipe. The plugs seem to be the correct color and the bike does not smoke, so I assume that the slide needle setting of 1 notch raise that I have is sufficient. I am going to clean up this other used set of carbs and finally have what is supposed to be on the bike. I would like to know if the consensus of what I have done is correct.
Thanks for any help or suggestions. I would like to know when I get the new old carbs so when I rebuild them it will be correct.