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metal shards in oil - Heli-coil?

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    metal shards in oil - Heli-coil?

    i just about had a heart attack today - i was going to wipe out my drain pan after doing the oil and i saw thin shards of metal - i'd say 1/4 to 1/2 inch - sitting in the pan. after cursing for a few minutes (and trying to imagine what part of my engine was chewing itself up), i noticed that my drain plug had what looked like a spring hanging off the end about 1/4 inch.

    now, it should have been obvious then, but i think someone did a bad heli-coil repair job on my drain. my plug will tighten only so far before it slips . . . the good news is i managed to snug it so there is only a very slight leak - maybe 1 drop every 6 minutes running. i've read all the stripped-plug threads up, down, and sideways and haven't found this exact issue.

    so, can a heli-coil come out and shred like that? and what's a ballpark figure for taking the pan off and getting it done by a shop? i've got a 1981 GS450L. thanks.

    Do a search for a thread that talks about a slightly oversized self-tapping drain plug. I think Napa auto parts stores sell them.


      I sounds like you may have a botched helicoil repair to the drain hole. There is a tang at the end of the helicoil which should be broken off and removed before it is used. The person making the repair may have been the type who doesn't read instructions and left the tang on. Tightening the drain plug could have then broken off the tang and left it in the bottom of the pan.

      If you don't want to do it yourself, having a new helicoil inserted properly is not expensive. Check around at various shops and get the best price.


        thanks! pretty much confirms what i thought. i just hope there's no trick to getting the drain pan off.

