Ok seriously now... tried to start the 750 this past weekend. Cranks fine, got nice blue spark but wont start. After cranking for about 5~10 seconds it finally goes off like a cannon shooting a foot long flame out the back. I'm now a hit with the neighborhood kids who seem to think this is cool but not exactly what I bought my GS for. I dont have the air cleaner box on (which from reading around may or may not be an issue) because its missing what looks like a foam seal on the top part of the filter. I have an idea on how to fix this but will wait to see if it works before posting results. Also I need to ask about the fire order, is it 1-4 from left to right sitting on the bike? Also do I need to plug/run hoses from the vaccume ports on the carb (again reading around found thats what they are) becaue there is no hose going to the tank? I currently have the tank off the bike connected to the carbs with a long gas hose. I've had the carbs off and checked each bowl. There was some funk but cleaned up pretty easly. I did the test with spraying a little starting fluid in each cylinder and it ran for a second when the carbs were off. Oh and another FYI it has a 4 into 1 exhaust with no baffle. Also can somone tell me what size the stock jets are? Well thats about where I'm at for now