I aquired a 1980 GS550L from my brother-in-law and have already fallen in love with the bike.
I purchased the bike knowing that the battery would not charged. He told me he thought it was the Stator. I figured that would be an easy fix.
I took off the generator cover off yesterday to take a look and possibly change it out. (What's up with the phillips head bolts?)
I discovered that the Stator only had one of the 3 wires connected to anything. The other two wires were not connected to anything.
One of the Stator wires was connected to a blue/white wire and that was it. The blue/white wire is in a rubber boot along with a capped pink wire and a solo pink/white wire that is connected to nothing.
After reading this forum and posts, I now understand that all three wires from the stator should be connected to the Regulator/Rectifier. I am thinking I may not have an R/R at all. I have looked around the battery, fuses on both sides of the bike. Nothing! I cannot find a single yellow wire.
So I know think I may have a fully-functional Stator, but no R/R. Where should the R/R (Rectifier/Regulator) be on a 1980 GS550L?
My second problem is this. When I lock the stearing (key to the right), the taillight comes on (not the brake, but the regular driving light). Do I need to tear the ignition appart and find a possible short?