Many opinions on how to do it here and almost all of them based on experience so weigh the advice and go with your gut buddy. I know since I stopped using sealer on most things I have a solid bike with no leaks at all anymore. This is my experience. Hope it helps.
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can you use silicone gasket instead of the oem gasket on valve cover?
I know many here have recommended it's use but I encourage you that if you want to be sure it doesn't leak then don't use any sealer of any kind on the gasket. I too have used a paint thin layer over the years and have had varying results. Mostly they don't leak but sometimes they would weep or leak. I finally found out from an experienced mechanic that using sealant on the valve cover gasket of a motorcycle is a mistake and is more likely to cause a leak then it is to prevent one. You can use a little, you will probably be OK. But if you don't use any it will for sure be OK. Just a little paint thin smear of the stuff over the half moons being careful not to flow over into the gasket and you will be set with a solid leak free cover.
Many opinions on how to do it here and almost all of them based on experience so weigh the advice and go with your gut buddy. I know since I stopped using sealer on most things I have a solid bike with no leaks at all anymore. This is my experience. Hope it helps.