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Stuck Air Jet

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    Stuck Air Jet

    Any ideas for freeing a very stuck air jet on my carbs ('81 GS850G). I tried the search feature and didn't see any good tips. I've already tried penetrating fluid and carb cleaner.


    Try heating the surrounding metal. If it still won't come out, use your "man hands" to try to screw it out with a good-fitting screwdriver. Worst case scenario: You tried everything and now you stripped-out the screwdriver slot on the jet. From there, do like I did and carefully drill into the jet with a small drill bit just until you can get your smallest extractor in there to get that puppy out. Careful not to damage the threads!


      Is it stuck both ways (ie - you can't screw or unscrew it)?

      I've found that if these screws get stuck part way out, but can still be tightened back down, tightening the screw down (but not enough to damage the body) and cleaning what I could of the chamber and threads would often remove whatever was blocking the screw from coming out.

      - Tony


        I stripped it, so it looks like I'm going to need to take it out with an extractor. That's pretty much what I thought, I just wondered if anyone had any bright ideas.




          Be very careful with an extracter, I manager to crack not one, but two carb bodies. Another tip I heard instead was to jbweld something to the screw, let it set, and then try turning that by extension. Good luck!

