So I have an 83 GS750E, ride her all year round (we dont get snow).
Comming home from a trip, I stop to get gas, as I'm ready to leave, hit the starter button...nothing.
Check to make sure no "helpfull" person at the gas station did hit the kill switch...try again...nothing. hit the kill switch off and on...try again.
Cursed and swore as I'm an hour away from home....didnt help.
After a few phone calls, one suggestion worked...put the bike in gear, push it a bit, back in nutral and try to start it.
It almost worked. The bike made an attempt to turn over.
But it turns out, every time I hit the starter, it created draw on the was dead enough to not start the bike.
Never having push started a bike before..I got her jumped...rode home with no problems.
Next day, same problem...only this time, the in and out of gear trick didnt work.
So right now the battery is being charged already to try again after work.
Any idea what could cause this?
I ride the bike daily, battery is just over a year old, its never had a problem starting before and only has 35k miles on it.
At 1st I was told side stand switch kill switch...but other than an indacator...there isnt one (someone that looks just like me rode away with the side stand down ).
Replaced the clutch cable twice on the 4 years I've had wires there that I've ever seen.
Other than needing a tune up, I dont know what it could be thats causing this.
Any suggestions?