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2 stray wires, don't know where they are supposed to go... help anyone?

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    2 stray wires, don't know where they are supposed to go... help anyone?

    1983 gs550l
    Haven't gotten it running yet, my first bike over 125cc
    It will not start, i push the starter button and nothing.
    Replaced the starter switch still nothing.
    Has power, lights horn, and signals all work..

    Looking at it i noticed a set of 2 wires just sorta hanging out. They look like they broke off from some where, but I can't seem to figure out where.

    On my starter switch assembl;y there is a set of wires that are connected, so i don't think they are from there. the wires in question come out of the headlamp area (like everything else) and are on the right side. it looks like a black/white and a green wire (it's hard to tell because they are in a shrink tube, If anyone could help point me in teh right direction I would greatly appreciate it.


    Get a wiring diagram and multi meter and trace the circuit from the starter button on backward. I wouldn't worry about those loose plugs unless you find an interruption in the starting circuit.

    BTW, the clutch lever must be pulled in before you can engage the starter if I'm not mistaken.

    To measure is to know.

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      Yep I knew about the clutch, but thanks for lookingout for a newb :-D


        Originally posted by RobRowald View Post
        1983 gs550l
        Haven't gotten it running yet, my first bike over 125cc
        It will not start, i push the starter button and nothing.
        Replaced the starter switch still nothing.
        Has power, lights horn, and signals all work..

        Looking at it i noticed a set of 2 wires just sorta hanging out. They look like they broke off from some where, but I can't seem to figure out where.

        On my starter switch assembl;y there is a set of wires that are connected, so i don't think they are from there. the wires in question come out of the headlamp area (like everything else) and are on the right side. it looks like a black/white and a green wire (it's hard to tell because they are in a shrink tube, If anyone could help point me in teh right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

        Got a pic of the wires?


          the two wires may be the wires that are supposed to go to the clutch switch. A lot of people just twist them together so that you don't have to hold the clutch to start it.


            On my '80 1100E the black with white stripe is a ground, and the green is for one of the turn signals. You probably don't want to twist these wires together.

            Even though you're squeezing the clutch, the switch may be bad. Check it with an ohm meter.

            Also check the kill switch. If it is open the lights will still work, but the bike won't start.



              Put a screwdriver between the 2 bolts on the starter relay to see if the starter is working or not....


                Originally posted by Einar J Skog View Post

                Put a screwdriver between the 2 bolts on the starter relay to see if the starter is working or not....
                Great place to start......I suggest that you put the bike in neutral before trying it, though.

                Once you know the solenoid is OK, look at it and see if the wire colours match those at the front. You can use your multimeter to see if you have connectivity between them. Note that this is not a final answer, as there could be a colour change inside the harness....Suzuki has done that in a few areas.

                Also use the multimeter to determine if the clutch switch and the kill switch are working.
                A take-away:


                  Thankis for all the suggestions guys. I peeled back the wire covering, man was I off on the colors (guess thats what youget for trying to remember off hand) Colors are white/black, and orange. I will try the selenoid trick... Thanks again


                    ok, so i still don't know whatthese wires are supposed to go but putting a screw driver between the relay contacts and the beast turns over, it starts up and runs for a few seconds on 2 cylinders, After a visual inpection It appears that i need new plug wires (they are all very brittle). So now I have another thing to replace... Joy.

                    This brings me to another question, can you replace just the plug wires, because it looks like you have to replace the whole ignition coil?

                    I am attaching a couple of Pics of my bike... 2 are of the wires in question, a third is the whole bike. I apologize for the quality, i just took them with my phone...

                    The wire colors are white with black stripe and orange...

                    Last edited by Guest; 09-09-2006, 06:19 PM.


                      some people will say you need to replace the entire coil. but you can take a piece of the old wire to NAPA and they'll sell you some bulk wire for about $1 per foot. buy enough for all four wires, cut them to length, and put them in. you'll have to bend the little tabs out of the way to get them out, but it's possible.


                        Originally posted by Einar J Skog View Post

                        Put a screwdriver between the 2 bolts on the starter relay to see if the starter is working or not....
                        future owner of some year and displacement GS bike,as yet unclaimed and unowned.


                          Ron, the two bolts are NOT on the starter, they are on the starter RELAY.

                          Locate your battery. From the + terminal is a large red wire that is about 8-10 inches long (depending on the bike). That wire ends at the starter relay. Near the end of that first wire is another wire that goes to the starter. The bolts (or nuts, actually) that hold these two wires to the relay are what you want to short across. Just be sure to NOT touch anything else at the same time.

                          If the key is on, the bike might run. If the key is not on, the starter will crank, but the engine will not run, but it will tell you whether the starter is any good.

                          mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                          hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                          #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                          #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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                            Originally posted by Steve View Post
                            Ron, the two bolts are NOT on the starter, they are on the starter RELAY.

                            Locate your battery. From the + terminal is a large red wire that is about 8-10 inches long (depending on the bike). That wire ends at the starter relay. Near the end of that first wire is another wire that goes to the starter. The bolts (or nuts, actually) that hold these two wires to the relay are what you want to short across. Just be sure to NOT touch anything else at the same time.

                            If the key is on, the bike might run. If the key is not on, the starter will crank, but the engine will not run, but it will tell you whether the starter is any good.

                            future owner of some year and displacement GS bike,as yet unclaimed and unowned.


                              OK I figured it out using the old test everything method... Tuns out it's the wires for the front brake light switch. Also as it turns out that they are the wrong color (according to the schematic anyway).

                              now to fix it...

