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Problem with R/R from Electrosport

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    Problem with R/R from Electrosport

    I purchased a new reg/rectifier from Electrosport about 4 months ago for my 79 GS1000S. $120.00 smackers. My charging system worked great. The other day I realize I have no turn signals..... no horn..... no lights. The bike barely got me home.

    After more electrical diagnostics it looks as though the R/R may be bad. Stator is putting out the correct voltage, battery is good, etc.

    My question is has anyone else purchased a new item like this and had it go bad? Could a short of some kind fry one of these things? I did have a short with the main wire going to the starter. It wore through its sheathing to touch the metal cover that hides the starter. Everything seemed to work OK after I fixed the wire. That was 1 1/2 months ago. And I ride the bike quite often.

    Electrosport has not responed to my e-mail which I sent a week ago basically stating to them what I just stated above.

    Anyway I am hoping I don't have to spend another 120.00 on one of these things.


    Welcome to our world friend! I have owned a 1980 GS 550L for 3 years now. I am now as we speak installing my second set of stators and RRs and batteries. This time I am using Rick's products as I used Electrex last time and it only lasted two years. I'm not blaming Electrex but I wanted to try this other company out. The big problem here as far as we can tell is heat. On my bike the RR is mounted behind the battery which is underneath a side cover. This leaves no way for the cooling process to happen. RRs get really hot. Excessive heat breaks down electrical components. I am going to do what some other members have suggested and mount my new RR up front near the horn or in that general area for max cooling. I will have to extend the wires but we'll see if that works. Have you checked all 3 phases of the stator to make sure that it is still good? Use the stator papers for a complete check. Good luck, hope you fix it soon.


      To start with, what voltage at the battery terminals are you getting? Lack of lights may be a fuse problem (possibly caused by a short). Do a continuity check on the r/r. That's the best way to check it.


        Someone suggested adding a wire from the RR ground directly to the battery negative terminal. RRs need a good ground to work right. I went with a Rick's in my 750 (the 550 is original, bless her heart) and did the extra wire trick. Seems to be going strong now for a couple of months.


          The extra ground wire is Very important, My 79/850 has been running for the last three years with original stator & $20 Honda reg/rect

          I used a # 8 wire
          Last edited by Guest; 09-20-2006, 05:15 PM.


            Originally posted by SqDancerLynn1 View Post
            The extra ground wire is Very important, My 79/850 has been running for the last three years with original stator & $20 Honda reg/rect

            I used a # 8 wire

            That is what I have done, as well, including the Honda R/R.

            Admittedly, however, I just bought a Rick's model, as the Honda unit disliked the output voltage from the starter. (no, that was not a spelling error)
            A take-away:


              Originally posted by SqDancerLynn1 View Post
              The extra ground wire is Very important, My 79/850 has been running for the last three years with original stator & $20 Honda reg/rect

              I used a # 8 wire
              Same here for 1 1/2 years now and in that time I haven't even had to top up the battery.
              '84 GS750EF (Oct 2015 BOM) '79 GS1000N (June 2007 BOM) My Flickr site


                I have an electrosport r/r. They are built VERY skukum. Unless there was a manufacturer's defect, i don't see too much that these things couldn't handle. They are massive with good heat sinks, so I wouldn't worry about them overheating.

                I do advocate the extra ground wire to the negative battery post though. And my usual electric pitch: buy a good soldering iron, correct solder, some heat shrink, dielectric grease, a good multimeter, and learn how to use these properly.
                Last edited by Guest; 09-20-2006, 10:31 PM.


                  The Ricks stuff seems very good. My r/r seems to be holding up nicely, no more burned wires. I wired the r/r directly to the battery, both lead and ground wires.
                  Currently bikeless
                  '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
                  '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

                  I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

                  "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt



                    I replaced my stator and R/R with Rick's stuff a couple of months ago. After much work and help, I discovered that the R/R was defective. I replaced it with an old one from another GS and instantly, the problem was solved.

                    So, yes, new regs can be defective.
                    1980 GS1100E....Number 15!


                      electrosport was electrex and quality and customer service went right down the toilet with the change of ownership.

                      mine lasted a month.
                      the idiot who eventually answered my E-mail had absolutely no clue what he was talking about.


                        Originally posted by focus frenzy View Post
                        electrosport was electrex and quality and customer service went right down the toilet with the change of ownership.

                        mine lasted a month.
                        the idiot who eventually answered my E-mail had absolutely no clue what he was talking about.
                        That certainly doesn't sound very promising!!!8-[
                        1980 GS1100E....Number 15!

