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needle height question on RS Flat Slides

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    needle height question on RS Flat Slides

    I think the answer to this question is going to be "yes" but here goes. I had to put a shim under the needle to keep the mid-range from being too lean. The needles have 5 slots and the clip is on the lowest position. The needle retainer really wasn't made for this so I'm thinking that I should go up one size in the main jet and back up on the needle to the 3rd clip position and start adjustments again from there. Does that sound right ?

    The bike runs fairly well in the mid-range with this setting but I'm uncomfortable shimming under the needle when it just doesn't seem like that should be necessary with adjustable height needles.


    Ok, found the answer and it was as I suspected. Go up one size in the main jet and drop two clip positions on the needle. Ditch the extra spacer and go from there. For those obvious very few who find this useful, I'll post how it turns out.


      Just wondering if you've ever attempted a vacuum synch on them. I run RS flatslides too and all I've ever done is bench synch them. You give up bottom end for the most part anyway with them. Typical vacuum synching looks near impossible between dealing with the frame rails being in the way and the actual synching mechanism.


        No but I'm going to, simply because the Sudco Mikuni Tuning manual makes reference to it. I honestly don't see how they could possibly be out of synch after setting it on the bench, since it's completely mechanical but that's why I'm going to try it. Just to see the result. I'll be sure to post it here.


          Originally posted by don_gibb6512 View Post
          No but I'm going to, simply because the Sudco Mikuni Tuning manual makes reference to it. I honestly don't see how they could possibly be out of synch after setting it on the bench, since it's completely mechanical but that's why I'm going to try it. Just to see the result. I'll be sure to post it here.
          I'll definitely be interested in how it goes. It just seems like with the covers off the top of the carbs that mixture will go to hell. That and the cam lock adjustment will be a pain to deal with. Britt Turkington once told me all Yosh does is bench synch and forget it.

