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Bike wont start and strange spark

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    Bike wont start and strange spark

    I am starting a new thread because it appears the topic has changed. Here is the old thread that started this:

    And here is a update:
    Ok yesterday I started my bike and let it idle for a few minuets. I then did a dumb thing and left the keys in it and in the on position. So I had a dead battery. I pulled the battery and charged it.

    Today I put it back in. reconnected everything and tried to start the bike. No Go. The battery is just fine. The starter is spinning the engine with gusto. I can smell gas in the air box. But I don’t think I have spark. I pulled one plug wire and lay it on its side, and tried to start the engine. I did not see any spark. I also put an Allen wrench in the wire to cut the distance for the spark to jump. I did this on both 1 and 4 cylinder. I have never worked on a motorcycle and only have limited work on a car. I just don’t think I have spark and I don’t know what I did to make this happen. I did also check the fuses and all connections around the battery to make sure I did not accidentally disconnect one of them.
    When I started looking around at the wires there I noticed a VERY fired wire. It appears to be black with a white or yellow stripe. It goes up to the wiring harness that goes under a gas tank, and down to a box behind the rear break master cylinder. I removed the box.-----
    OK today I got the module reinstalled today. I replaced the wire that was burned up in the wiring harness. I removed spark plug 4 and laid it down on the cylinder head. I then tried to start my poor bike. Well it did not start.

    What I got was no spark, UNTIL I stopped pressing the start button. When I did that I noticed a very weak white spark. So I tried it again and got the same results.

    So where do I go with this now? Should I start a new thread? Any help would be great!

    I decided to start a new thread because it appears the problem has changed. Please help me out. I really don’t want to have to take my bike to a repair shop if I don’t have to.

    Matt K

    Black with a white tracer was always the ground on the older suzukis.
    Black with a yellow tracer was always the primary side of the ignition circuit on the older suzukis.
    If that B/Y wire fried, you somehow got excess voltage/amperage through that circuit. May have cooked the CDI box.
    Make sure all grounds are good and see if you can beg, borrow or steal a CDI unit and plug it in and see if you get the spark back.


      I am going to bid on a used one this week. should I also test the coils to make sure they are good? If so how do I do that? Or what else should I check?


        Do you have or can you borrow a multimeter/ohm meter? You need one.
        You should first check the spark on all 4 cylinders, not just one. If you have no spark on all 4, check the primary and secondary resistance on the coils. Primary (O/W to W and O/W to B/Y) should be 2-5 ohms. Secondary (plug cap to plug cap) should be 30,000-40,000.
        Then check the signal generator (under the small cover on the right side of the engine) You should have a plug with 4 wires in it coming out of the unit. Check the ohms between Yellow/blue and black/green. Should be 100-300 ohms.
        If the coils and sig. gen. check out, your ignitor (CDI) is fried, or you still have some burnt wires somewhere.
        85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
        79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


          ok I do have a multimeter. I will try to check that stuff tonight.


            First I wanted to thank you for your help. My resistance on the coil wires (O/W to W and O/W to B/Y) was 5ohms maybe a little bit more, because the meter was fluctuating a bit. The signal generator was about 260 so it should be ok. I do have a Chilton manual so it did have a way to test the CDI. connect a 1.5 volt batt to the blue and green wires. When you do this you will get a spark on one plug and when you disconnect it you will get a spark on another one. Well I tried that and no spark at all. So my CDI is DEA. I have won a bid on eBay for a replacement so I hope that is it. Thanks again for all the help!!!

            Matt K

            Originally posted by renobruce View Post
            Do you have or can you borrow a multimeter/ohm meter? You need one.
            You should first check the spark on all 4 cylinders, not just one. If you have no spark on all 4, check the primary and secondary resistance on the coils. Primary (O/W to W and O/W to B/Y) should be 2-5 ohms. Secondary (plug cap to plug cap) should be 30,000-40,000.
            Then check the signal generator (under the small cover on the right side of the engine) You should have a plug with 4 wires in it coming out of the unit. Check the ohms between Yellow/blue and black/green. Should be 100-300 ohms.
            If the coils and sig. gen. check out, your ignitor (CDI) is fried, or you still have some burnt wires somewhere.

