I need some sage advice. Failing that, your opinion would be of value too.

I have had my 1980 GS1000S for about 3 weeks now, and have been very busy sorting stuff out.
Most recent thing was pulling the carbies out, and giving them a good clean -- they were full of rust sludge. I have also put a POR-15 kit through the tank too, to eliminate rust probs in the future. The carbies were reassembled by following the excellent article here on the GS Resources.
Anyway, the bike is running really rich -- like about 10kms per litre (which I guess is about 25 miles per gallon). :shock: The plugs are sooty black and there's enough carbon inside the muffler to fill a toner cartridge for a photocopier, I guess.
My question is whether you folks think that this could be explained by worn needle jets alone? Or should the fact that a previous owner has put a small muffler fit only for a 250 onto a 1000cc machine, be the likely culprit?
When I had the carbies apart, I noted that the needles have been dropped by one clip position (I'm assuming that the central clip position is the standard setting), which may well have been done by a previous owner attempting to rectify the rich mixture. I have left the needle clips where I found them.
Let me add that I have a new air filter installed, new spark plugs, and I have checked the timing too. The bike idles sweetly, starts easily, and while it doesn't have great compression (100psi on one cylinder I tested) it's a very smooth engine with no rattles at all -- not even clutch rattle.
Sage advice and humble opinions welcome.