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Power Problem, '93 GSK 1100 G

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    Power Problem, '93 GSK 1100 G

    Well, it looks like I was able to get the '80 850 GL running and now, I am thinking about selling my '78 Honda CB750F to buy a '93 GSX 1100 E. The only thing is, it is having a power issue.

    The guy who owns the shop the bike is in says that it has either top end or bottom end, but no inbetween. When you get 5000pm it sputters and then takes off. There is no midrange at all.

    It has a new Dynajet kit in it, but that didn't solve the problem.

    The guy at the shop said this was a problem to begin with from the factory.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Looks like the guy who is selling it, only wants $1500 or so for it. Is that a good price?

    I am afraid of buying a bike I may not be able to fix.


    The first thing that pops into my head is to check the float heights.

    The second thing I would check is the airbox -- is it still wearing the stock airbox and filter? If the filter is foam, is it saturated with too much oil (common mistake)? If it has pods, it probably hasn't been jetted to match.

    Actually, I'd tear the carbs down and start over -- no telling what those idiot shop monkeys actually did to it. I remember the magazine articles, and they did not have this problem "from the factory". I wouldn't be at all surprised if some carb passages are blocked, or if the slide needles are bollixed up somehow.

    This carburetion problem is fixable one way or another, but it's hard to tell what it would take from here. And it's understandably hard to plunk down money for a bike that doesn't run right.
    1983 GS850G, Cosmos Blue.
    2005 KLR685, Aztec Pink - Turd II.3, the ReReReTurdening
    2015 Yamaha FJ-09, Magma Red Power Corrupts...
    Eat more venison.

    Please provide details. The GSR Hive Mind is nearly omniscient, but not yet clairvoyant.

    Celeriter equita, converteque saepe.


    Co-host of "The Riding Obsession" sport-touring motorcycling podcast at!


      Thanks Brian...

      Not sure about the filterbe. I will ask the shop guy. Since we are interested in buying it, maybe he will let us help him get into the nitty gritty of the bike....

      This may sound like a silly question, but Can a K&N just be dropped in the bike or do any sort of jetting things need to be done?

      The fact that the shop guy can get it to run and ride it leads me to beleive that it is jsut carberation issues. Prior to the bike going in the shop the owner rode it to California and back to west texas. It was on the way back that it started this mid range issue. There is a part of me thatis thinking the guy picked up some bad gas along the way and it gummed up some parts of the carb that you can't see with the human eye! Just a hunch!


        If it still has the stock airbox, you shouldn't need to rejet with an aftermarket filter.

        With no airbox and pod filters, you do have to rejet from stock. However, the Dynajet kit should have taken care of that, depending on whether it was the correct kit. Does it also have an aftermarket exhaust? If so, the settings and correct jet kit might be different.

        If it were me, I'd definitely want to take a look at the plugs, too. Rich and fouled would be better than white and glazed from running too lean and too hot.
        1983 GS850G, Cosmos Blue.
        2005 KLR685, Aztec Pink - Turd II.3, the ReReReTurdening
        2015 Yamaha FJ-09, Magma Red Power Corrupts...
        Eat more venison.

        Please provide details. The GSR Hive Mind is nearly omniscient, but not yet clairvoyant.

        Celeriter equita, converteque saepe.


        Co-host of "The Riding Obsession" sport-touring motorcycling podcast at!

