I have a 1978 GS750EC. It has 11M original miles on it but was horribly maintained. I should say NOT maintained. The prior owner left 1/2 a tank of gas in it and then let it sit for two years. Well......you know the rest.
I'm getting ready to rebuild the carbs and found the excellent article in the GS Resources site titled VM Carb Rebuild by Paul Musser. It is the most comprehensive and well written instruction on the subject I have been able to find yet. I have a few questions though about the article.
Paul uses the term "blipping the throttle". What does "blipping" mean?
Should I use gasket sealer when installing the new bowl and carb cap gaskets?
Nothing is mentioned about what to use to clean the needle passages with. Do I use wire of some kind? Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it necessary that I spend the bucks to buy one of the carb cleaning wire sets for possibly the one and only set of carbs I will ever rebuild?
On these bikes the fuel system is gravity and vacuum feed. The fuel tank has a filter in it. Is it necessary or even recommended to put an in line fuel filter in the gas line? Could I be harming fuel flow since this is the one and only fuel line servicing four carbs? Would I be possibly starving my carbs by adding the filter?
Thanks!! Your wisdom is greatly appreciated guys and gals!!
GS750 Guy