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Should I Buy 1200 Bandit???

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    Should I Buy 1200 Bandit???

    The 1200 Bandits (new) where I live are really cheap. I want to buy one, because the GS1100 I had years ago was so much fun. Is there anything negative I need to know about this bike.. OR is as good a deal as it looks... It looks too good to be true.. I appreciate all comments, whether positve or negative.. Thanks... JOE

    How much for the bandit??


      Good bike, strong lower and midrange. handling a little squirrely at high speeds and in tight quarters. HUGE aftermarket. Almost any mod for the SACS GSXR1100 will work on its engine. also... dale walkers Holeshot performance sells some nice go fast goodies.



        I looking at a 2002 (NEW) the version without the fairing for $6000 out the door.. Tax and lic setup etc included... Fairing version $300 more.. 2003 a little more.. It looks like a deal I can't pass up.. Thanks for all comments JOE


          Bandit opinion

          Just my .02 worth if you like. Background: I have an '821100G, I've had numerous GS' over the yrs. I had my G and an 1150ES when I bought a 1200 Bandit when they 1st became available. I bought it solely based upon the articles I'd read. As I road it home from the dealership, I felt I had made a mistake. My G was far more comfortable and my 1150 was far more quicker. I put 5k miles on the Bandit and sold it. I guess I was expecting more than it delivered.
          My advice, take it for a long test drive first. Again, just my .02 worth.


            Keep in mind the Bandit is chain-driven. If you've become accustomed to the advantages of the shaft, you'll be disappointed. I won't even look at a chain-driven bike, and neither will some die-hard touring types who put a lot of miles in all kinds of weather; this is, however, a matter of personal preference.

            If you can live with the chain, buy the Bandit. It's a fine motorcycle.



              For a new chain driven bike, it ain't bad! There are several around here that show up at the marcus Dairy Sunday Breakfast club, so If you like it! Go for it! I prefer old Jap iron! I don't have the $$$ for new...


                I wouldn't mind having one. It seems like you can get oodles of power from that engine, It's the bike of choice for stunting hooligans. I would be VERY carefull of the whole eating tons of oil problem that seems to affect every bandit from the last 2 years. Seems they made some oil channels too large, consequently people are going thru several quarts of oil per couple hundred miles (yikes) and Suzuki still won't even admit there was a problem (so no warrantee service of the problem)


                  Thanks for the responses... Chain drive is for me.. I've got a wing for the long boring roads.. But I really want a muscle bike for fun. I'd heard something of the oil problems, and that's what I was concerned about. There are a couple of used GS's around here I may just consider instead. They are a lot less money.. but new is new... Thanks again.. If the bandits are such great bikes, why are they so cheap? I think I'm finding out why.. JOE


                    how about the 1150

                    To Al.. What year is your 1150. I'm buying a bike only for having fun in the canyons and having a fast.. fast machine. It must be as dependable as possible. I've got a line on a 85 GS1150 ES with the plastic bodywork and the big round headlight. What are the downsides to this machine?? I don't know how many miles are on it. I'd like to get something with 30K or less. Appreciate your input. I want to get something to keep for a many years... JOE


                      Joe, I've had many GS1000s and 1100s over the years and enjoy those bikes immensely. As well, in 2001 I bought a new Bandit 1200 (black without fairing) for $6349 out the door and haven't regretted it yet. At this point it only has 5700 miles (Maine winters are too long) but I haven't experienced the oil consumption problems described above. I did replace both tires at 5k and thought this was too early. Compared to my old GSs, the Bandit 1200 is superior in most every way. Can't wait to start breathing on it though. Supposed to be 30% more HP with a slip on, K7N filters, jet kit, GSXR intake cam and advancer. Will let you know once I do it. Right now, my old bikes are here to play with and joy ride, while the Bandit is my work horse. Good luck with your decision.


                        Thanks massakins.. I grew up in Boston, so I know all about the winters.. My gs850 just isn't doing it.. and I really like the feel of a chain drive. I'm going to find out more about the oil problem. They say it's for bikes made in the last 2 years, so maybe 2001 is ok year... I really like the idea of a modern suspension and modern brakes.. I'm going to keep my eyes and ears open on this deal, might end up with a slightly used one. I really like the naked version and most of the used ones around here have the sport fairing.. Oh well can't have everything.. JOE


                          The oil hole problem (oil holes in piston too big) did not affect all bandits of 01 model year. Do a search on Bandit oil problem for some information.

                          I would make sure dealer is prepared to fix any problem or satisfy you that the one you are getting is ok.

                          other than that, the bandits are modern versions of the GS series, should go forever with reasonable care.


                            Originally posted by joeinglis
                            Thanks for the responses... Chain drive is for me.. I've got a wing for the long boring roads.. But I really want a muscle bike for fun. I'd heard something of the oil problems, and that's what I was concerned about. There are a couple of used GS's around here I may just consider instead. They are a lot less money.. but new is new... Thanks again.. If the bandits are such great bikes, why are they so cheap? I think I'm finding out why.. JOE
                            I don't want to breach brand loyalist here but I have ridden some miles on the Bandit 1200s, nice bike but if you want muscle and pure fun go for the Kawasaki 1200 or as I did pick up a low mileage 1100 ZRX and you won't be able to wipe the smiles off your face. It is definitely the best bang for the buck out there right now!!!


                              Originally posted by joeinglis
                              .. If the bandits are such great bikes, why are they so cheap? I think I'm finding out why.. JOE
                              It's been some years since I looked at the Bandit 1200 so I wasn't aware of oil consumption problems on recent models. However, the bike is not cheap because of inherent problems, it is cheap because they use a fairly old motor that had the research, development and tooling paid off long ago. Also, many of the cycle parts are "off-the-shelf items" (e.g. suspension), with nothing fancy or exotic about them. This all makes the Bandit good value for the money, as long as you don't expect cutting-edge performance. The longevity of the basic design should make the Bandit a reliable machine, except where they have made recent changes without sufficient testing (e.g. enlarged oil holes in pistons). The only significant problem that I can recall with the oil-cooled motor is that it is a bit "buzzy" in certain rev ranges......but then that is also true of many of our old GS-series fours.

