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Disa-point-ed, sequel to the sequel.

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    Disa-point-ed, sequel to the sequel.

    Trying to adjust the ignition timing on a '78 750 I bought as a non-runner.

    Thinking the PO may have fooled around under the timing cover, I removed the points cam and re-installed it 180 degrees reversed, then I set points gap and timing as per the book, which got me revved because static timing went as it was supposed to with an ohmmeter. I finally worked up the courage to try starting it last night and nothing but the occasional back-fire.
    Out of desparation, I reinstalled the cam where it had originally been, leaving the timing plate where I had set it previously, and she ran just long enough to detect warming of the #2&4 headers, but not long enough to use a strobe light on.
    What I need is to eliminate some ifs; can someone please remove their points cover and note exactly what the high point on the cam align with on the advancer?
    With the cam installed one way (as it was originally) the static pro-cedure is hopeless, as the points gap at the F1 mark is around 9 thou.
    There will never be enough travel on the breaker plate to close that knid of gap! But she will fire.
    With the cam reversed, the static timing procedure goes as it should, but the engine will not even hint at running.
    She'll soon be for parts!
    Anyone who can help will earn my eternal servitude!

    If you don't have a manual - get a manual. You will just run into one unsolvable problem after another without it.


      Could the valve timing be 180 degress off as well? If the PO installed the points cam backwards, perhaps the cams were installed 180 degress out as well.


        Flying Ace, does your manual mention anything about what the mark on the points cam is supposed to align with? this useless Clymer says nothing. If you could find that out, it would be a big help.
        I think Mark might have something about the cams being reversed.


          Originally posted by Killer Canary View Post
          Flying Ace, does your manual mention anything about what the mark on the points cam is supposed to align with? this useless Clymer says nothing. If you could find that out, it would be a big help.
          I think Mark might have something about the cams being reversed.
          I don't have my manual with me. But I will pass on something a lot of people don't realize that may be relevant to your situation. The spark plugs on 4-cyl GSs fire every rotataion. In other words, there is a waste spark on the exhaust stroke. A lot of people think their bike is 180 out of phase because of this. If you already knew this, just disregard.


            Last night I removed the valve cover and found that both cams had been set one tooth out. I removed them and timed them to the T mark on 1&4 as per Clymer's, unfortunately it still won't run. Also, static timing is still impossible, no matter which way I install the points cam. Doesn't anyone know what the high point on the cam is supposed to align with on the advance unit?Please? Maybe these replacement points are just crap, except the old set wouldn't adjust either.

