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Problem w/ Sticky Ignition Key

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    Problem w/ Sticky Ignition Key

    I just got an '82 850GL with 17k miles. Soon after I got it the problem started where I could insert the ignition key but it wouldn't turn (I am pushing in/down on the key before turning.). I took the ignition off, dosed it with WD-40 but it would only turn freely maybe once out of twenty tries, and then turn freely for several times before it would lock up again. It really is random if it's going to turn. So I took the lock out of the iginition assembly and for several weeks have been using a screwdriver to start and stop. Then I found a used ignition assembly on ebay and it behaves the same way.

    I've searched the forums but haven't seen this problem addressed. Can anyone shed light on a fix?



    Originally posted by PaulC View Post
    II took the ignition off, dosed it with WD-40 but it would only turn freely maybe once out of twenty tries, and then turn freely for several times before it would lock up again.

    I've never had a problem on the bike, but have on various other locks (vehicles, doors, etc...)
    Try a Graphite Lube. Should be available from most any auto supply store (Napa, Checker, Pep Boys...). I personalkly like the *dry* type. Comes in a small tube, just insert the nozzle into the keyway "flapper", give it a squirt, and try it. Depending on how gummed up the cylinder is you may have to do the above a couple of times. Also, before you use the graphite, you may want to try cleaning out the cylinder with brake or carb cleaner (spray into the flapper and let dry, or blow with air). The problem with the WD is that it will actually attract dirt and gunk, and you'll have the problems you're describing. Also, be careful with the key right after you try the graphite. The first few times it comes out of the cylinder it will have graphite on it and make a mess if you just stick it in your pants. Should be good-to-go. Good Luck!!!



      Are you sure your fork-lock tab isn't dragging? Worst-case scenario, you can take your switch to a locksmith and he'll clean it and can even re-key it to where it will match your gas cap, seat lock, etc.


        I have the lock out of the ignition assembly and it's still sticking. I got the new "used" lock to move between Off and Start, but once I move either way to lock it stays locked.

        So what I've decided to do is grind the tab off the lock that keeps it from spinning in the assembly, epoxy a cover onto the lock and use that as a large key.

        Will still try and get the new "used" one to lock.


