First, I had someone help me replace the battery on my bike, but it did'nt fit right. The battery was too tall to fit in the mount. I got it in eventually by cramming it in... it's in there, but not all the way... but it's not going anywhere though... the outside pannel fits, so all is well... I hope. It's all wired up and the bike works. But, my question is... is that common? I asked the guy at Farm and Fleet where I bought it from, if that was the right battery for the bike and he said yea... and it was the smallest battery they had for it.
Second, I just replaced the spark plugs on it because I was having idling problems. I went to Auto Zone and told em what kind of bike I had and they gave me the plugs. The plugs fit and the bike runs (idling problem fixed btw) but heres another odd thing with size.... the large black wire that leads into the spark plug doesnt fit... the contacts are touching and the bike runs, but the wire is almost resting on the plug.. I dont think its gonna come off though... but my question is, can I use electrical tape to reinforce that? Or would that interfere with the wiring somehow?...
Third, I have a couple problems with my gauges. First problem is, the light on the spedometer is out... and I have no idea how to take it apart to replace it... do you guys know any links where that info might be? Second problem is, I notice sometimes when I am riding, I hear a loud squeeling noise coming from the guages themselves...or so I think it's from the gauges... it's a very strange sound... almost a sucking sound. I was just wondering if anyone else has that problem... and how to fix it.
Fourth, I am looking to change my oil... does anyone know a site that would have that information? Preferably with step by step pictures.
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out! Awesome site btw! =p