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Porting your head

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    Porting your head

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for websites on porting motorcycle heads. It could be a complete site or a part of someone's site. The best ones would have lots of pics. I always get a great response to my questions here.
    Thanks, Paul

    Hi Paul,

    You'll find a couple of photos at on a 1150 engine. May or may not be useful-just a site I came across the other day.



      Porting if not done correctly can hurt preformance. I would leave it to the pro's


        Bertauts site has some very impressive pictures, but not any real technical info. Port matching and basic cleanup (removing sharp edges and blending) will help and is fairly simple. But i agree with Lynn, it can do more harm than good in the wrong hands. But i would be interested to see what specs., if any, that turn up. Been itching to try a roto-rooter job myself if i had some detailed guidelines.


          Lynn is 100% correct, BUT--as soon as i get a chance--with a spare head, A will attempt a porting and relieving job myself--It's my hobby and i will have to pay the price for my mistakes. Who knows maybe someday ill be a pro also.
          I found a book called how to build and modify cylinder heads. It is written by peter burgess and david golan ???? I believe someone on this website pointed me to it. It is extremely well illustrated and easy to read also. i think i purchased it from amazon books. Its a shame my scanner is not connected now--


            Yea, I'm aware of the dangers of getting too "grinder happy". This would just consist of port matching, cutting down of the guides and smoothing. It would be followed by rough polishing of the intakes and fine "mirror" polishing of the exhaust. I want to find out about things like the advantage of flat floors on the intake side and using epoxy to affect flow etc. I might not use all this info but I do want the knowledge. Oh yea, and pictures, lots and lots of pictures.



              Does it deal with just ports or does it deal with combustion chamber and piston shape too? Practical application of quench and swirl, use of venturis in the ports, etc?



                for me I just want the port info. I don't think I'd mess with the combustion chambers, although the head will have 25 thou. taken off it.


