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To Loctite or not to loctite...

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    To Loctite or not to loctite...

    I'm replacing my stator and my R/R and have a question (yet another!) :-D

    Should I put some sort of lock-tight on the bolts when I re-assemble the parts?

    If so, what kind? I looked at Checker and they have high-temp stuff but that seems to be intended for parts to never ever come apart again. Is there a 'preferred' brand/type?

    Thanks again! With all your help I'm 'Gettin' er done!!!'


    Yes, you should use some thread locking compound on the stator bolts.

    I use 'Permatex Blue' thread locking compound for the things that need to be undone, and 'Permatex Red' for the ones on critical things that I don't want to ever come undone.

    Nuts and bolts done up with the red stuff can be undone, but it sometimes takes a pretty decent effort to 'break' the compound.

    So which one would I use on the stator bolts? I'd go with the red... I use the blue more for things like fairing bolts that I don't want to rattle undone.


      Originally posted by tfb View Post
      Yes, you should use some thread locking compound on the stator bolts.

      I use 'Permatex Blue' thread locking compound for the things that need to be undone, and 'Permatex Red' for the ones on critical things that I don't want to ever come undone.

      Nuts and bolts done up with the red stuff can be undone, but it sometimes takes a pretty decent effort to 'break' the compound.

      So which one would I use on the stator bolts? I'd go with the red... I use the blue more for things like fairing bolts that I don't want to rattle undone.


      Stators must not be considered a permenent installation, as they can and will fail. As is noted, it takes considerable effort to break loose a bolt sealed with RED, and you simply cannot do that with stator retaining bolts. They are much too small to withstand the torque necessary to break apart the red thread compound and applying that amount of torque will cause them to shear off before they come loose.

      As a general rule red should NEVER be used on any bolt that has a diameter of less than 3/8 inch. / 10 millimetres.

      Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'



        Your 'large font' passion is appreciated!

        However, I have often used the red goop on smaller bolts, and while it has taken a bit of a tweak to get them undone, it's never been a real problem. Never had one shear off, not a single one.

        More often than not, the really hard bolts and screws to undo, and the ones that shear off, are the ones put in by the factory with no thread compound at all... ;-)



          I use blue locktite for all applications. There is nothing on the bike that I want to put red locktite on.

          Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

          That human beings can not bear too much reality, explains so much.

