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handle bars

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    handle bars

    I have a 1984 gsx 750 ef.I have made it into a naked bike.I was wondering if there was anyway to raise my handlebars a bit higher.I would like to have then raised a bit as i have a bad back.If i can`t use a spacer could i change the bars?.If so what can i put on it.

    Thanks again to everyone that helped me with the fairing/windscreen


    Handlebar risers I think are manufactured by a variety of companies. Try a google search.


      Could you loosen the triple-tree clamps and raise the forks (lowering the bike) to get a bit more pull back?

      Also I've heard somebody suggest getting a few more of the clamps that hold the handlebars on, and longer bolts, and stack-em.


        you can switch out the bars. if you want really high bars, look for the ones off an 81gs400. mine are about 8 or 9 inch ape hangers


          Switching bars is easy, but you do run the risk of getting too much extra distance for the existing cables.

          I have also learned that pulled back bars, as I have on my GK, make a considerable difference in effort if you have to pick up the bike. Leverage diffrences that you do not notice when riding you will certainly experience when lifting the bike.

          After picking up the GK, with the modified bars, and then the G, with standard bars, and using about the same amount of initial effort on both bikes, I found the G came up so unexpectedly fast that I almost lost it and had it go over the other side.
          Bertrand Russell: 'Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.'


            Thanks for the info.I will try a google search for risers and handebars.Do you have any idea whay type of risers to look for?.Sorry i just bought my bike last year.This is all new to me.



              IIRC that 750E(F/S) models came with the "stalks" on top of the triple tree and not normal clamps or clip ons...

              two routes to go...

              #1. find stalks off of a 750E model. They are about an inch and a half taller and "flat" compared to the EF and ES models.

              #2. Remove the stalks completely and modify the top triple to have the clamps. (There's holes there already you just need to buy risers and a bar and then make sure the risers fit through the holes there already.)

