bike: 82gs 400
scenario: replaced o-rings in intake boots, reassembled, fired right up, allowed her to warm up, died after a minute or two, attempted to restart, no lights..
The fuse holder was my first concern as sometimes you would have to press the fuse in hard for it to make a proper connection. So off i went and replaced the holder and WOW it worked, great. I then decided to solder the connection, note i was using the hot iron kind and found the insulating plastic around the wire to somewhat melt. I then turned the key and nothing:shock:
(fuse was still intact)
telling myself it was something simple and not knowing much about electronics i figured i had put too much heat into the fuse holder, so off i went to buy another one. and guess what? nothing, zero.

I probably wouldn't be as upset if i hadn't just payed for registration, bought all my gear, and had a deadline for the bike. I have roughly two weeks until I move to Vancouver from Victoria and the whole plan was to use her as my mode of transport to and from school.
Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated [-o<
I checked the battery voltage and came up with 12.5V, i cleaned the grounding cable that went to the battery from the engine, cleaned battery terminals, checked for any loose connections under the tank, and tried bypassing the fuse entirely with no avail.
My question now is where do i go from here? Im so confused to what it could be, any help would be great.