I won this on E-bay from a seller who has always sold me good NOS stuff.
Before bidding, I asked him a question about what looked like wear marks in his pic. He said the clutch was new and 5 others he has have the same "spin" marks as this one. OK.
I got it today and I have a hard time believing the marks on this starter clutch are just from the factory and are normal.
Now to add to my suspicion, while checking the rollers I noticed that two of the pins that push against the rollers were weak. I took out the pins and sure enough, those two springs had broken ends still inside the hole. The other spring was fine and pushed against its roller correctly.
Now I'm trying to decide what I have here. A new clutch with bad springs or what?
From this pic and 1 to follow, have you seen these marks on new parts or are they obviously wear marks? On this side of the part you can see where the rollers go. See those roller marks? Could they exist if the parts are new? Does the factory test these parts and the marks could be there from that? There is also an area where the outer material has separated a little from the inner material. It's right next to where a hole is on the side that's part of the joining process of the two materials. Looks like they pressed it too hard or ? and the edge starts to come up. This is about 1" above the orange flash mark from my sons camera. I'm more concerned about the roller marks and the spin marks that I'll show in a minute.
On the other side, I'll show you some marks that look like spinning marks. That will be after I post this.
As for the springs, is it possible that they could break as I said just from sitting on a shelf? Do you think they could be packaged that way from the factory?
On the sellers side, the clutch looks like it's coated in that familiar, thin "machinist oil" I've seen on new motor parts. The gear associated with the clutch has no wear marks but is a separate part.
From this sellers reputation, I can't believe this is used but how do you explain the broken springs and these marks?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and any experience you guys have.
