When I fixed my starter problem and put everything back together I rode around my block a few times. No problems. Then about a week or so later I took a longer ride and when I got back I noticed my air filter was wet with gas. So my suspicion is that for a yet to be determined reason, gas leaked down into my carb(s) and now my oil smells of gas. Haven't change the oil yet or began to address the problem.
When I did ride, my notice that something was 'wrong' was that the bike wouldn't go above 55mph or so. In neutral it would rev right up, but in any gear it wouldn't idle very high (tach cable needs to be replaced so can't say for sure).
What could go wrong in my ride with some amount of gas in my oil? It was fresh oil and filter but I can't say how 'much' gas got in there?
That may be an 'open ended' question. I know I have a carb job ahead of me, oil change, etc....anything else I should be fearing at this time?
Also, will be on the look out for Suzuki manual inputs covering carb cleaning for 82GS650G. I have Clymers but Rob at Z1Enterprises has indicated that the actual Suzi manual is better....