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smoke out of #3 carb

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    smoke out of #3 carb

    ok cleaned carbs and replaced petcock yet still leaking gas out of carbs o so slowly. no drip or anything like that but you can tell it collects towards the pods...normal????........rejetted with dynojet kit fired it up and it went crazy finally got the idle down and when i shut it off i noticed smoke coming out of #3 carb with filters off. what is the freaking smoking??? anyway new rack of carbs on the way just trying to salvage the ones that were on the bike(think im gonna go back to factory everything when they get here)...any tips, points or help is greatly the way its an 81 750l

    Was the smoke white? Was there a heavy fuel smell to it? It is likely that the engine stopped with an intake valve open and what you're seeing is a vapor exiting through the carb. This usually happens when two things are going on, you may be running rich with the new jets, and check the valve clearance.


      i dont doubt the rich part, i'll probably pop the circlip up a few notches to hopefully lean it for checking valve clearance???? clueless in that dept....cant really tell if smoke smelled like gas bc my hands already did so the aroma was in the air before this happened


        How many miles are on the bike? Was it in running condition before all the mods? If you go back to the stock airbox, you'll have to rejet (down size) for sure. As far as checking the valves, if you haven't done so yourself, I would strongly suggest it. They should be done every 7-10 thousand miles.


          the bike says 10k but it could very well be 100 if the speedo doesnt go that was running well before the mods . when the other rack arrives im going to put everything back to stck and start over to see if i cant isolate the problem. if not ill sell the beast as a parts monster


            Meeeeeee........I'd put it back to stock and ride a very nice bike! Mods are great, but it is a whole different game. I've always got one on the ground that I can ride whenever the weather allows, one on the table that is a work in process (currently a three year process...don't ask) and one in the wings, waiting for a direction to head. The GS is a very well designed bike, maybe the best in it's day, and to have an original in great working condition, is a tribute to the design, the owner, and everyone else out there, who knows what the're looking at. :shock: :-D


              lol ...true very true...i have all the OE stuff i.e. air filter/housing sitting aside i just wanted to see if i could give her a boost, i mean after all im going to school to work on these things for a living. i guess ill return her to stock and concern myself with more pressing issues of aesthetics....thanks for the advice even if it wasnt what i wanted (yet needed) to hear :-D


                i washed her haha.... a little


                  No problem...the older I get, the more I sound like someones father...HMMMM....mine maybe? :-D Great looking bike there, work on a new seat, a few of the smaller things, and you'll have a winner in anyones eyes!!!!!!!!

                  The GS L models are sleek and sexy right out of the box!
                  Last edited by Dave8338; 03-06-2007, 02:26 PM.

