Been fiddling with the bike today. Those of you who helped me out with patching up the exhaust will be pleased to hear that the temporary repair I've made looks good.

After doing the repair, I rode the bike to the shops and back and then retightened the clips whilst they were hot. Hopefully that will slow the effect of repeated heating and cooling on the effficiency of the seal. I'll keep an eye on the screws and see how they do.
Next job on my immediate list is the seat. Here are a couple of images showing the start of problems with the leather.

Not quite as clear as I'd hoped. The crux of it is that the splits are along the seams - no tears in the panels, which is nice. What do people suggest I do about it? My sewing experience is limited to clothing and the occasional rivet in cloth.
Next up, what's the deposit all over my cooling fins (and lots of other surfaces)? It comes off easy and doesn't seem to be affecting the metal. My guess is it's left behind when the dirty water dries.

This thread pauses here to stick within the four image rule per post...
I did try to edit the thread to make it really clear in the thread title that this is a pic heavy thread, but I can't seem to edit the thread title. Perhaps some kindly moderator could do that for me, please?