The ZZR is stored at my sister's house over an hour away. Due to my current situation, I need to touch up the plastic as cheaply as possible for the time being.
I'm coming off of memory right now, but after my wreck, I remember 3 fairly large scrapes on my fairing.
What I'm thinking is this:
1. Obviously, I'll assess the damage.
2. Remove the lower fairing.
3. Sand and smoothe out the 2 spots on this section. (I'm thinking 400 grit - then maybe 600 grit final wet sand?)
4. Primer the sanded areas. (Idea of cheapo rattle can primer?)
5. Wet sand primer with 600 grit?
6. Rattle can touch up. How many coats? Wet sand w/ 600 grit in between?
7. Wet sand OR scotch brite final coat. Then apply rattle can Clear Coat. How many coats and scotchbrite OR wet sand in between coats?
8. Repeat process on the Cowling.
I guess what I'm asking is that I need to do this for no money. I realize that this won't be very good looking. However, it will be better than 3 or 4 big black scrapes. I have some patience and think it may look ok for a temp fix. Also, while moving - you may not be able to tell. Unless you have a much faster bike and can take the time to analyze my ZZR from the side.... :-D
P.S. THere is NO compressor OR paint sprayer available. Also, cheap means less than $30.00. Not $400.