I'm new at this posting thing.. I have been using this site and all the great information on it to troubleshoot.. thought I would ask around for some ideas about my 450. I recently aquired a 1987 GS450L with about 9,000 miles on it... great shape all around. However, the bike has been sitting for about a year. The fluids were drained out.. but I'm not sure about completly. I will try and list what I have tested and done.. and what I know.. here goes!
The bike cranks strong but does not catch... pretty much period. A bit of starter fluid will crank it right up... however it refuses to run otherwise.
I have,
Checked plugs, I have spark.
Compression is good.
Tested fuel flow until the point of hitting the carbs, flow is good.
Oil & Gas is fresh
Kill switch set to run
Fuses good
I have checked choke and throttle settings... and played with starting in different throttle settings.. no luck. The throttle is now set all the way shut. Choke full, throttle none.. I get nothing.
I have also performed a wimpy carb clean. By that I mean I took the bowls off and cleaned with air and carb cleaner. It was apperent when I removed the bowls that the carb that was leaning toward kickstand had fluid in it for the year in storage. The fuel inlet that moves with the float was stuck open, I worked it to moving again. Air runs through the main jet however I have not yet removed the pilot/main jets or the needle and seat for cleaning. I have no overflow problems with the bike, but starting it in ON or PRIME produces no results... and it has become frustrating. I am trying to avoid the complete carb rebuild.. but I guess that might be coming soon.
Another strange thing... the last few days when I start the bike cold (as in it has been sitting all day... it actually catches for 1/2 a second) Very brief.. but the only life I have heard without ether. I started noticing this happening after I adjusted the throttle so it sat all the way shut.
If anyone has ideas.. I would be grateful... thanks!