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Lost Key
Lost Key
Hi, I am the proud owner of an '82 GS650L. When I bought the bike last summer, I only got one key (which I am pretty sure was a copy). I haven't been able to ride it until recently, as I had to replace the stator and didn't get that done til the weather got cold. So here I am, ready to ride, and I seem to have lost my only key. I was wondering if anyone knows whether or not Suzuki can replace a key if you give them the VIN or some other number and can prove the bike belongs to you? Or any other tips on how I can get a key made (aside from replacing the whole ignition system...) would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot. ~JoshTags: None
Take your gas tank to a locao lock smith and have hime make you a key from the gas cap. Costs about $20. Otherwise try some other Suzuki keys, your dealer won't be able to help you.
80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
81 GS 1000 G
79 GS 850 G
81 GS 850 L
83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
80 GS 550 L
86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
2002 Honda 919
2004 Ural Gear up
Hey Josh,
Do a search on this subject as there is lots of info concerning this....
Short answer - There should be a 3 digit number on the ignition which you
can bring to a locksmith...he can cut you a new one.
Go to wreckers/breakers and ask if they hay a key box and find a key that suits ure bike. even honda keys will fit.
Serious Tim
I had this same problem when I first got my '82 GS, it didn't come with keys.
Going through the local Suzuki dealer here was a pain, because they told me that they could get the code by VIN, but Suzuki wouldn't release the key code without the key code, which I could never find.....
In my case, I ended up just paying $130 to a locksmith to come to the house for 10 minutes work
thanks for all the help so far, I found a locksmith who will cut me a key from the 3-digit number on the ignition...but I'm not sure exactly where that number is located. I haven't gone out and looked at the bike yet today, but any hints as to where in general I can find it? Thanks!
I have heard (but not verified) that the code can be found under the helmet lock.
Unbolt the lock from the frame and the number is underneath.
mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
#1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
#2 son: 1980 GS1000G
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Mom's first ride
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IF you are lucky it is on the gas cap or seat lock, Otherwise I would remove the ign switch and take it to the locksmith.
DON'T go to the dealer
Red Rocket GS1100
Cost me 80 Bucks
I had the same problem after I lost the set of keys out of my pocket while riding my wife's bike. Cost me 80 bucks and took the locksmith most of the day. He cut me 3 of them right away. He tried the helmet lock code thing. None there. None on the ignition either. But now the key works fine. Even after someone tried to steal the bike by jamming a screwdriver in the ignition.
Any decent locksmith can make you a key in less than 15 minuets without the code if you take the ignition switch or maybe even the gas cap in to them. I watched a guy do it and it looked easy. They took a key blank and filed/sanded the surface lengthwise to create fine scratches in the chrome - creating a brushed apperance. Next they inserted the key and tried to turn it by wiggling it back and forth. Extract the key and look for reference marks where the tumblers contacted the key (discontunities in the newly brushed chrome). Take a file and hit the contact marks followed by more brushing of the key and trying again to get it to turn. About 4-5 tries later the key fit the tumblers and the key was finished. Fairly cheap, and painless.Ed
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Thank you all so much, this has been extremely enlightening and helpful...and the good news, is that I FOUND my key in between the seats of my work truck. So I'm off to the hardware store tomorrow to get 100 copies made so that this never happens again....once again thanks all! ~Josh