After perusing the forums for a while, and deciding to follow some advice instead of learning the hard way, I'm going to be rebuilding the carbs on my 450. It's only a 2cyl, lucky me!

Anyway, I did read through the carb cleaning pictorial done for the 850, and since the carbs are pretty much basically the same, all that info will apply to mine.
A little background on the bike; 18,000 some miles on the bike. It's not been run for the last 6 years. I can't say I've given it the best storage, but it's almost always been under a roof (garage/basement/barn) or a tarp in the last 19 years, with a 3/4 full tank of gas for the last 6. I drained the tank the other week, and it seems that the petcock is still good (with my limited perception), as in the ON position, nothing comes out, but in the PRIme position, the fuel pours out at a good rate.
Back to the actual point of this post, though. After doing some reading, all it seems that I need to do, if everything turns out good after I take them apart, is get the o-ring kit from, a couple float bowl gaskets, and some hoses (fuel feed, petcock vacuum, vent). I'll just take them apart, and soak them in some acetone overnight, brush them off, let them dry, and stick them back in. Basically, I want to make sure that this is the correct course of action, that won't lead to redundant work that I've got to do later on.
I removed the carbs tonight, they seem to be fairly clean inside, and the sliders move fine and arent' stuck. When I move the sliders up, and block the elongated hole at the top of the inlet port with my thumb, the sliders stay there, taking approximately 15 seconds to return to their normal "closed" state, so I think the CV boot thingys are fine.
Here are three pictures that I took, just to get opinions from the esteemed gurus who know a heck of a lot more than I do about this stuff...
Click for larger image (1024x768)
Airbox side:
Engine side:
Engine side with butterflies open:
Thanks for your time!