Anyhow, the bike is a 1980 GS 1000G with performance mods installed by the infamous "former owner". (carb mods, Vance & Hines exhaust, and probably some I don't see, as the bike was very quick up to about 5 years ago when it was garaged and ignored until now)
Anyhow, I had some electrical issues caused probably by the garage neglect, but everything o.k. now except that I can't get a reliable spark at the plugs.
I have Clymer's "Suzuki" for the correct model and year from the library and I'm reasonably proficient with tools and bike repair, but this thing has me really frustrated. I thought it was the starter switch because suddenly there was no response when the button was pushed...repaired that one and we had a spark...problem solved, right? Wrong-spark was intermittent. SO...managed to prove the switch was not the problem (bypassed the switch). Clymer gives simple instructions for testing the signal generator and igniter...of the two, I thought I'd try the igniter first, and here's my question: Where the heck is this gizmo located?! Clymer doesn't show this very clearly...guess it's the plastic box forward of the fuse holder? Also, what does the igniter do?
I gather the sequence is SIG. GEN. to IGNITER to COILS to PLUGS. Does the igniter amplify a low voltage timing signal and send this to the coil(s)?
Today I pulled a multiple-wire insulated cable clear of the battery box on the chance that something was shorting to ground and VOILA! Now we have spark at the plugs. This thing has fooled me twice before so I'm not ready to say the problem's solved-maybe it'll stay o.k. until I put the tank back on and then quit again. Long story-didn't mean to write a book-but if anybody has any ideas or has experienced this spark thing, I'd appreciate the input. Thanks in advance...