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power issues, carb or elec?

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    power issues, carb or elec?

    I've got a 1982 GS650GS 18K, It will start good, idles good, when you let out the clutch it doesn't have alot of power, not much in acceleration either, will redline in neutural, I've changed plugs, cleaned carbs, not real sure where float level should be. I've taken the guts out of the petcock & installed a inline valve, capped vac line. Idle mixture screw is out 1 turn. I not sure which way to go next, coils, plug wire, it seems to run better the longer its been riden, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Troy

    Have you checked your valve clearance yet. Compression? Have you synchronized your carbs after the cleaning? Done a voltage check at the battery posts, both with engine on and off? Fill us in on exactly what has been done...:?


      IS the petcock flowing enough fuel? Set it to prime and try it. Also check the screen in the tank on the petcock. It sounds like your running lean, I would then check the o rings on the intake boots attached to the head, spray wd-40 around them with the engine running and see if the idle speed increases.
      1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
      1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


        I sync'd the carbs, sprayed wd40 around intake w/no results, new battery, have not checked comp. or valve clearance. I bought the bike recently didn't run. Like I said it will run better the longer you ride. Thanks for your help.


          It does sound like you are running lean.

          One turn on the mixture is not necessarily enough.

          Try doing it for a little more. Use 1/4 turn increments and see what difference it makes after each adjustment.

          You could also use the WOT Wide-open-throttle cut off and see what difference the existing mixture and each mixture change makes on your plugs. You will need to have clean plugs to do this.
          A take-away:


            Checked voltage last night 13.3 when off 13.7 when running, I've turned the mixture screw out a 1-1/2 turns seems to be little better, does any body know a simple way to adjust the floats? I will have to mess with it this weekend, Thanks for all your help, let you know how she turns out!:-|


              Sounds like the typical dormant bike scenario. In which case you'll have to go through the complete laundry-list of checks/verifications (see other posts). Otherwise, you'll spend a lot of time chasing your tail.
              And yes, compression and valve clearance checks are a must - I learned this the hard way while restoring a non-running 1981 Honda CB750K.


                Back tire smoke'n again

                :-D Thanks for all the help from this site there's another GS650G smoke'n the back tire. I not real sure what I did to fix, but this is what I did and now it runs like 1982. Removed carbs AGAIN & took each one apart cleaned w/B-12 & a stainless steel wire theough all jets passages, then installed new o-rings under the main jet, not sure if the last time I did it I tightened them too tight & possibly closed the passage on the #2 cyl. But great results we're smoke'n the tire off now! And how I found out which cylinder wasn't working was by touching each exhaust pipe after start up! Thanks to all again & keep up the great advice!!!!!:-D :-D :-D

