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Some 1983 GS 650 GL questions
c50t rider
Some 1983 GS 650 GL questions
I just bought, for my son, a 1983 Gs650GL with 16,000 miles, two new tires, with a Windjammer fairing, backrest with pad, and luggage rack, in really nice cosmetic condition, in that it's all there, it's all stock, and it looks GREAT after I cleaned it up! Beautiful, dark blue and gray! Guy was getting a divorce and needed to move out of his house with no place to keep a bike. I rode it about 20 miles home and it runs like a top, but I noticed it has an oil leak on the right top of the engine, it seems to be coming from behind the little chrome round cover, the rear one. Is this a common problem for this model? It doesn't appear to be the head gasket, and it's not REALLY bad, but messy. Any idea how much this would cost to repair? And is it OK to continue to ride the bike until it gets fixed? BTW, I got the bike for $650 so even putting a few hundred into it, I think it's a good deal. Or was it?Tags: None
You certainly got a good deal. The oil leak in that area is common on many bikes of that period. If compression is good, I wouldn't start messing with it until a valve adjustment is due when you'll have to take the valve cover off anyway. This is assuming you know that a valve adjustment was done within the the last few thousand miles. If not, you should do one.
c50t rider
Thanks nabrams. That was a quick reply. So it's OK to keep riding it until I get the valves done? Any idea what that would cost? Ballpark? The valves "sound" OK and it runs great, but having it "gone through" would probably be a good idea.
Instead of me giving you my "Get to know your bike - DON'T take it to a mechanic" speech in all its details, do a search for the posts that contain this theme. There are many reasons you'll regret taking our older bikes to the typical "run-of-the-mill" mechanic - even (or especially) the dealer.
simular problem
i have a 82 gs650gl bike that i got 2 years ago...i have a leak at the top of my engine ALSO on the right side of the bike..the leak is BAD and covers my carbs all the way back to my saddle bags...it started the end of the summer last year and now is worse..i cant tell if its my head gasket or my round crome covers..if it is the covers (where my valves are?) what do i need to do..i just pressure washed the bike today to try and clean up the mess but havent ridden it yet..any ideas on what to do? the bike runs strong, but there is a little vibration and i can hear some "ticking"...the bike has 16000 miles on it....